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Tianjin in a sentence

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Sentence count:228+3 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2021-01-16Updated:2021-01-16
Similar words: nanjingkanjixinjiangtitianhaitiangentiankantianlaotianMeaning: n. a major industrial center in northeastern China on the Grand Canal near the Yellow Sea; 3rd largest city in China. 
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1. Tianjin is to the southeast of Beijing.
2. What's the code for Tianjin?
3. They commute between Beijing and Tianjin every day.
4. He has scarcely gone for Tianjin.
5. The Grand Canal joins the Hai River at Tianjin.
6. He probably caught the ten-thirty train to Tianjin.
7. Sources: The Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference Tianjin Committee.
8. Hi, my hometown in Tianjin, i'm a oil painter.
8. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
9. Software Application of Aspen PIMS in Tianjin Branch Company.
10. Tianjin Red Coral Advertising Co. , Ltd.
11. The Grand Canal joins the Haihe at Tianjin.
12. After fumbling, Tianjin initiated has counter - attacked crazily.
13. In the east Hebei, and Tianjin, northeast area, reputation.
14. Muddy coast is widely distributed in Tianjin littoral zone.
15. Tianjin human resources information network.
16. You may choose Tianjin as the port of shipment.
17. Tianjin Port Free Trade Zone ( TPFTZ ).
18. SanYou ( TianJin ) macromolecular technology Co.
19. Customs office in 1901[], Tianjin Road.
20. Tianjin has gastrology school to also short-term grooms class.
21. Is there a daily passenger ship to Tianjin?
22. Paradise for tourists and gourmets -- Tianjin Astor Hotel.
23. Tianjin how to sell crafts of the pearl oyster?
24. We are a home appliance importer in Tianjin.
25. In fact, the Tianjin - the - art school there Yaohua, Xinhua, a middle - experiment and Tianjin.
26. Tianjin has the majority of bath, you may find a home near the bathhouse click.
27. Tianjin is a fertile soil of art, and irrigates a blos som of the exotic morden drama.
28. Tianjin municipal government issued 19 policy that 13 division system of this city decide recently.
29. The train carried coal to Qinhuangdao and then deadheaded back to Tianjin to pick up another load.
30. The wave shaped space truss is used as the roof of the natatorium in Tianjin University, which ingeniously displays the function of the building.
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