Similar words: legend, legendary, telegram, eugenic, telegraph, eugenics, electoral college, cryogenic.
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1. With their new youthful and telegenic leader, the Labour party looks set to woo the voters.
2. The bright and telegenic Miss Foster is being paid around £90,000 a year for her exclusive deal.
3. Soviet television crews were taken to the site, telegenic Soviet doctors were produced to discuss the likely consequences.
4. Blond and blue-eyed with a wide, telegenic smile, Ms. Neuner has been called "our biathlon beauty" by Germany's Bild newspaper.
5. In the museum, Neanderthals are portrayed as kindly, if not particularly telegenic, humans.
6. People involved in the rescue attempt believe Mario Sepulveda, the telegenic spokesman for the group, will be a star.
7. Another top chef with a food truck - he has appeared on the TV series - is the telegenic, multi-tattooed Ludovic Lefebvre.
8. Indeed, the whole assault-rifle debate was over a problem that, however telegenic and symbolically potent, barely existed.
More similar words: legend, legendary, telegram, eugenic, telegraph, eugenics, electoral college, cryogenic, autogenic, telegraphic, photogenic, iatrogenic, pathogenic, telephonic, psychogenic, carcinogenic, anthropogenic, telecommunication, telecommunications, allege, alleged, college, allegedly, sacrilege, privilege, privileged, intelligence agency, legerdemain, regent, hegemonic.