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Submental in a sentence

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Sentence count:20Posted:2017-12-15Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: mental hospitalsentimentalsentimentallyunsentimentalsentimentalistsentimentalitymentalmentally
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1. Conclusion Submental endotracheal intubation is a secure and effective technique of airway management, an alternative to tracheotomy in treatment of patients with complex facial fractures.
2. The flap pedicle included submental artery in 8 cases and both submental artery and facial artery in 1 case.
3. Methods The submental flap was applied to repair postoperative defects and to reconstruct the laryngeal function in 16 patients suffering from hypopharyngeal carcinoma.
4. Methods: The submental vessels and the adjacent nerves in 25 formalin-fixed cadavers injected with red emulsion were dissected and measured carefully.
5. Objective To evaluate the clinical effect of submental island flap.
6. Submental surface electromyogram allowed marking of each swallow during the respiratory cycle, and logistic regression was used for statistical analysis.
7. Conclusion: Submental island flap was a good way for reconstruction of oral and maxillofacial tissue defects in selected cases.
7. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
8. There were multiple anastomosis between perforators from the submental artery, facial artery, and sublingual artery.
9. Objective To explore the application of submental island flap in repairing tissue detect after oral maxillofacial region neoplasm resection.
10. Hyoid bone and arytenoid cartilages were resected and cricoid cartilage anastomosis with the base of the tongue and submental muscles.
11. Ludwig's angina is a rapidly spreading, potentially life-threatening infection involving the submental space and the submandibular and sublingual spaces bilaterally.
12. Objective: To provide clinical experience and assess the clinical effect of submental island flap in reconstructing oral and maxillofacial tissue defects.
13. Method 34 sides on adult head and neck specimens were chosen to survey the blood supply and nerve innervation of the submental flap.
14. The sequence of the first region were neck, submaxillary region, submental region, oral and parotid region respectively.
15. Other things that the lymph of the submandibular gland directly flowed into the superficial lateral cervical lymph nodes and the submental lymph nodes hav: been not reported.
16. Objective:To explore the clinical value of repairing tongue cancer defects with submental island flap.
17. Infrahyoid myocutaneous flaps were used in 60 cases, platysma flaps in 45 cases(, sternocleidomastoid flaps in 59 cases and submental island flaps in 8 cases.
18. Conclusions: This study discloses the location and the relationship of the vessels and nerves of the submental area .
19. METHODS: The left submandibular salivary gland was transferred to the submental space by operation in 7 New Zealand rabbits.
20. Results Among 153 survival flaps, there were 55 infrahyoid myocutaneous flaps, 40 platysma flaps, 52 sternocleidomastoid flaps and 6 submental island flaps.
More similar words: mental hospitalsentimentalsentimentallyunsentimentalsentimentalistsentimentalitymentalmentallymentalityelementalsegmentalmental ageincrementalfragmentalornamentalregimentaljudgmentaldocumentalmentally illmonumentalsupplementalimplementaljudgementalcomplementalfundamentalsacramentalexperimentaldetrimentalmental blockfundamentally
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