Similar words: spooking, spook, spooky, look in, cookie, rookie, spoor, spool. Meaning: adv. in an unnatural eery manner.
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1. Spookily, three days earlier, I had also fallen over while performing.
2. By contrast, the memories of people my age are spookily familiar.
3. Though only nuances of the original choreography had been altered, I had never seen a ballerina look so spookily possessed by an evil spell.
4. There was talk of pay cuts. The office was spookily quiet, too; since most of her friends had been sacked, there wasn't even anyone around to moan to.
5. And it's no problem for advertisers to magic up 3-Dfootage of, say, a beer bottle that spookily seems to float towards you.
More similar words: spooking, spook, spooky, look in, cookie, rookie, spoor, spool, spoon, spoof, dressed to kill, booking, bookish, cooking, looking, huskily, jerkily, sulkily, shakily, riskily, luckily, bookings, look into, sneakily, cheekily, looking for, looking at, spoonful, cesspool, spoofing.