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Spoofing in a sentence

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Sentence count:46Posted:2017-07-04Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: roofingspoofhoof itspoonspoorspoolspookyteaspoon
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1. The show was a spoof of college life.
2. They did a spoof on/of the Nine O'Clock News.
3. He was spoofed by his employees.
4. He's spoofing because she was here with me.
5. It was a spoof cowboy film.
6. It's a spoof on horror movies.
7. The play is a spoof on Shakespeare's tragedy 'Julius Caesar'.
8. He spoofed the movement of his boss, which set everybody laughing.
9. The film was a spoof on Hollywood cop movies.
10. The best of Mel Brooks' recent spoofs.
11. Mike Myers heads the cast of this spy spoof.
12. The scenes between the sons, all witty repartee[], came close to a spoof of stagey theatrical speech.
13. This novel is witty, good humored, and something of a spoof.
14. Audiences of the time might have been forgiven for thinking the dance was a spoof.
15. Inside was a spoof tax return with the usual warnings about false statements.
16. On the whole I hate spoofs and I like everything played straight.
17. "A Five Minute Hamlet" is a very funny spoof of Shakespeare's most famous play.
18. That haunted offspring turns out to be none other than large Lawrence, in this raucous spoof of trash television.
18. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
19. When Time Was Away appeared, Newton wrote a spoof review of it.
20. I went to college once and engaged in my share of spoofs and mockery.
21. So why even worry about IP spoofing?
22. This process is sometimes referred to as spoofing.
23. Host spoofing is just the tool we need.
24. As a professional attacking method, network spoofing gives austere challenge to the network administrator.
25. But, this program can keep spoofing continuously with a periodic time.
26. Shows spoofing your fame are piling up faster than celebrity magazines in a hair salon, and they include a stage musical and animated TV programs.
27. Web site developers should be wary of anyone spoofing the GET and POST requests sent to them.
28. Internet security issues include DDOS attacks, domain name hijacking, Trojan program, control of zombie host, webpage defacement and network spoofing.
29. Because the token is changed each time the form is drawn, a would-be attacker would have to get an instance of the sending form, strip out the token, and put it in their spoofing version of the form.
30. Plus, this attack is far easier to launch than the more sophisticated spoofing attacks.
More similar words: roofingspoofhoof itspoonspoorspoolspookyteaspoonspoonfulspoon-feedtablespoonwooden spoonsilver spoonangle of incidencesphere of influenceconflict of interestring fingercertificate of incorporationdeclaration of independenceprofilingswimming poolprofit sharingprofiteeringoffingfingerracial profilingfinninghuffingsurfingfinding
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