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Shore-based in a sentence

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Sentence count:20Posted:2020-03-12Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: debasedshorebirdrebasingdebasebaseballbasebandhome basetime base
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1. The services cover shipboard and shore-based operations.
2. Each Member shall ensure that shore-based welfare facilities, where they exist, are easily accessible.
3. The vehicle control commands from shore-based or ship-based platforms and status messages are usually transmitted by the acoustic communication system.
4. Clearly, different levels of management, whether shore-based or at sea, will require varying levels of knowledge and awareness of the items outlined.
5. Preparing for a shore-based job have graduated from this course.
6. The vehicle control commands from shore-based or ship-based platforms and status messages are usually transmited by the acoustic communication system.
7. Shore-based medical facilities for treating seafarers should be adequate for the purposes. The doctors,( dentists and other medical personnel should be properly qualified.
8. "the scoter" divides into the shore-based aircraft, the deck-based aircraft and the aquatic antisubmarine warfare aircraft three kinds.
9. In conducting coastal open air placer mining or shore-based well drilling to exploit seabed mineral resources, effective measures must be taken to prevent pollution to the marine environment.
10. The responsibilities of each Member with respect to shore-based facilities, such as welfare, cultural, recreational and information facilities and services, are set out in the Code.
11. The advanced onboard communications system enables "seamless connection" between the three-storeyed vessel and the shore-based command centre, Wuhan Evening News says.
12. It would take many months of follow-up work in shore-based laboratories, including critical isotope geochronological work, to confirm our findings.
12. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
13. Reviewing the safety management system and reporting its deficiencies to the shore-based management.
14. The Enhanced Group Call (EGC) services, which enable authorized shore-based Information Providers to send information to selected groups of SES.
15. As a consequence, seafarers are now subject to tight security regulations in port that have cut down on their right to shore leave and access to shore-based welfare services.
16. Small targets detection in sea clutter is an important and difficult problem for shipborne(or shore-based) radars.
17. The efficiency of naval vessel POL service is directly affected by the effectiveness of facilities and equipments in shore-based POL service.
18. Sea clutter is an important factor influencing the operation performance of shore-based radar.
19. Fired from 5-inch naval guns, the GPS-guided projectile will provide the relatively close-range, precision-strike capability needed by shore-bound Marines and shore-based units.
20. This information should help the authorities work out when it is safe to permit operations that risk causing leakage, such as repairs to shore-based oil tanks.
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