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Seeing as in a sentence

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Sentence count:31+1 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2017-11-17Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: seeingpeeingfreeingseeing redseeing thatsightseeingsight-seeingaccording as
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1. I won't stay long, seeing as you're busy.
2. Oh, all right, seeing as it's you .
3. Seeing as Mr Moreton is a doctor, I would assume he has a modicum of intelligence.
4. Seeing as we're both going the same way, can I give you a lift?
5. 'I might as well do something useful, seeing as I'm back,' she said.
6. We may as well go to the concert, seeing as we've already paid for the tickets.
7. But, seeing as you won't tell me anything, I have to use other sources.
8. Well, seeing as how you just lost one of your men, you might think about hiring some one to replace him.
9. Seeing as it's your birthday, why don't we go out for a meal?
10. That seems believable, too, seeing as how he no longer can take out his frustrations on Sundays.
11. I thought you might like that, seeing as you're so keen on birds and that.
12. This struck them as strange, seeing as how it was only just after four in the morning.
13. And seeing as it was my brainchild,( as.html) would you not say it was possibly the best commercial of all time?
14. I just slipped that in seeing as how you congratulated me on my history.
15. I'd better do it myself, seeing as no one else wants to do it.
16. Seeing as he's determined to go, why don't you just agree to it?
17. As they respond to our positive , seeing as a strong and confident people.
18. A seven Tanshan Ming - hung, India - Seeing as the pool mirror, is a domain of multi - Jiao's painter.
19. Instead of seeing as a stumbling block, see it as a stepping - stone towards new experience.
20. Boss: Seeing as next month is our slow season, that should not be a problem.
21. But, seeing as Finland is a little more accessible, I'm heading there instead.
22. Seeing as how we got on so well together, it just seemed natural that we should hook up.
23. He is seeing as a potential winner in the game.
24. The D-32 is very Martin D-28 in character - not surprising[], seeing as that's what it basically is.
25. It seems they've canned the upgrade and probably switched focus to 2008 seeing as the WDC is unreachable and the WCC is decided already.
26. I guess it only makes sense that babies should actually earn their existence, seeing as how they do get to live in a celebrity uterus rent-free for a whopping nine months.
27. It also seems that the U. K. government may be on the right tack, seeing as they've announced today a scheme to fund half the cost of insulation for all households.
28. He might be a bit demoralised about not having scored, seeing as it seemed he might get back in excellent condition after these first few matches.
29. I think American accents are easier to understand though, seeing as I grew up here.
30. If the member continues to enjoy use of the network information service, then seeing as the fluctuation of accept the service item.
More similar words: seeingpeeingfreeingseeing redseeing thatsightseeingsight-seeingaccording assee intoas long asso long aspoison gasengage income into beingbreaking and enteringbring into beinggaspinggassingoutgassingengagingwasting awaybring aboutlooking atsingaporesing alongrain gaugering a bellfading awaylaughing gasengagingly
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