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Queen in a sentence

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Sentence count:291+43Posted:2016-07-21Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: fagfaggotfagotfairyfemale monarchkingnancepansypoofpoovepoufqueen mole ratqueen regnantqueertabbyworld-beaterSimilar words: squeezeteenscreenbetweenin the endteenagefifteenteenagerMeaning: [kwɪːn]  n. 1. the only fertile female in a colony of social insects such as bees and ants and termites; its function is to lay eggs 2. a female sovereign ruler 3. the wife or widow of a king 4. something personified as a woman who is considered the best or most important of her kind 5. a competitor who holds a preeminent position 6. offensive terms for an openly homosexual man 7. one of four face cards in a deck bearing a picture of a queen 8. (chess) the most powerful piece 9. an especially large mole rat and the only member of a colony of naked mole rats to bear offspring which are sired by only a few males 10. female cat. v. 1. promote to a queen, as of a pawn in chess 2. become a queen. 
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121. He discarded a three,and picked up a Queen.
122. Soon the queen fell into disfavour and was executed.
123. The Queen was attended by her ladies-in-waiting.
124. With 42 albums, she was the queen of pop.
125. It was a real thrill to meet the Queen.
126. "Queen Mother goes on Holiday" is hardly headline news!
127. The queen bade us enter.
128. North covered West's jack with the queen.
129. The queen bee never leaves the hive.
130. The Prince was acting on behalf of the Queen.
131. She succeeded in finessing her queen.
132. The Queen has decreed her order.
133. She's the reigning queen of crime writers.
134. She curtseyed to the Queen.
135. The Queen decorated the soldier.
136. The ambassador arrived bearing gifts for the Queen.
137. The Queen was grief-stricken over his death.
138. She curtsied to the Queen.
139. mourned the death of the queen.
140. The Queen is merely a figurehead.
141. The queen was feted wherever she went.
142. Queen Victoria ruled England for 64 years.
143. The Queen conferred knighthoods on several distinguished men.
144. Queen Victoria acceded to the throne in 1837.
145. The king and queen were robed in red.
146. The Queen has maintained political neutrality throughout her reign.
147. The king and queen had fled.
148. He sought a private audience with the Queen.
149. The Queen was crowned with much ceremony.
150. The queen mother waved to the crowd.
More similar words: squeezeteenscreenbetweenin the endteenagefifteenteenagerscreeningat the end ofby the end ofthe greenhouse effect
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