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Owed in a sentence

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Sentence count:286+5Posted:2017-07-03Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: bowedcowedcrowedavowedwidowedhallowedendowedborrowedMeaning: [əʊ]  adj. 1. owed and payable immediately or on demand 2. owed as a debt. 
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181. They created a duty of care imposed on builders and owed to foreseeable victims of their negligence.
182. Arresting in this context simply means getting your hands on the money owed.
183. He had just gone into the aircraft repair business and owed money for the space he had leased.
184. As abbot of Bec, Anselm had owed obedience to several superiors whose permission he had sought before accepting the archbishopric.
185. As it was, those legislators owed black voters nothing and were therefore free to take positions openly hostile to them.
186. She tells me that the Mum has applied for free meals but should really pay back the money owed.
187. Last month they owed £500. This went unpaid and the arrears will total £1000 by December.
188. Eventually, together, we persuaded the man that Nelia should pay what she owed in instalments.
189. Saving only the fealty which he owed to his father he swore allegiance to Philip against all men.
190. No sum is disclosed but bankruptcy proceedings can only be brought if at least £750 is owed.
191. Court was forced to sell Stoll Moss by banks to which her late husband's company owed millions.
192. He asked a policeman who owed him a favour that he wanted no-one to know about.
193. Bonds probably felt the Giants owed him this consideration,( keeping his streak alive for a couple games by artificial means.
194. The individual owed a duty to society, and had to respect privileges and those who enjoyed them.
195. He and his friends claim Albie owed them ten thousand pounds.
196. I waited, looking on while he calculated how much she owed him.
197. The duty will be owed to the tenant, residents(, neighbours and passers-by on the highway.
198. At the very least a clear case is owed a clear explanation if it is rejected.
199. I had stopped recording the number of meals I had eaten and how much rent I owed Edusha and Bella.
200. But now, neither commissioners nor magistrates would issue any more summonses against debtors who owed less than £20.
201. The court held that the accused represented that the bank owed him the money and that he was entitled to withdraw it.
202. He did find that the auditors owed a duty of care to the plaintiff.
203. If I remember right we owed more to the Constitution than it did to us.
204. Bank deposits are credit balances owed by a bank to its customers.
205. The best remedy for a creditor owed more than £50 was to make his debtor bankrupt.
206. The court would have to consider whether a duty was owed.
207. His job was to phone people who owed money and demand immediate payment.
208. In negligence actions the court may find that no duty of care was owed in the circumstances.
209. I had to pay off what I owed the bank.
210. Miscellaneous assets largely consist of payments owed but not yet received from other banks.
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