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Oil engine in a sentence

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Sentence count:10Posted:2024-04-14Updated:2024-04-14
Similar words: civil engineercivil engineeringradial enginediesel engineautomobile engineengineering insuranceoptical engineeringindustrial engineer
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(1) This was done by using a huge oil engine as a generator.
(2) An oil engine drives the pump.
(3) Because the start-up switch trouble of the diesel oil engine, there are some damaged radio mounted in the car, even some is discarded as useless after the finished of the work crew.
(4) Draws oil engine a section electric appliances can root settle work ability dynamic response load change 's problem, So that control apparatus' low efficiency and electric energy waste.
(5) Various motive equipments: Diesel engine, oil engine and electro - mechanical equipments etc.
(6) Diesel oil engine firing way is that pressure burns style , is therefore there being no firing.
(7) Combining the design of computer adding oil engine, the thesis introduces the principle and the methods of system program in AT89C51/52 single chip computer.
(8) The paper mainly discussed the factors or problems, which affect the choosing of the crude oil engine generator on offshore oil field design.
(9) During using multicylinder engine, some abnormal Voices often appear which will influence formal work of oil engine.
(10) Furthermore, we provide various formed cutters for suppliers of auto, motorcycle engine, diesel engine, inhibited oil engine, mould, sewing machine, etc.
More similar words: civil engineercivil engineeringradial enginediesel engineautomobile engineengineering insuranceoptical engineeringindustrial engineerelectrical engineermechanical engineerchemical engineeringaeronautical engineermechanical engineeringelectrical engineeringindustrial engineeringstructural engineeringautomobile engineeringaeronautical engineeringagricultural engineeringarchitectural engineeringchallengingmain engineenginemarine engineallen ginsberggasoline engineenginedengineerengineryrear engine
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