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Occlusion in a sentence

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Sentence count:180Posted:2017-07-12Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: inclusionexclusionseclusionreclusionpreclusionconclusionin conclusiondraw a conclusionMeaning: [ə'kluːʒn]  n. 1. closure or blockage (as of a blood vessel) 2. (meteorology) a composite front when colder air surrounds a mass of warm air and forces it aloft 3. (dentistry) the normal spatial relation of the teeth when the jaws are closed 4. an obstruction in a pipe or tube 5. the act of blocking. 
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31. The units with no spontaneous discharge were activated by renal artery occlusion.
32. Vascular inflow occlusion theoretically enhances the effect of tissue freezing by removing the so - heat sink phenomenon.
33. The sterilization of a woman, called tubal occlusion or tubal ligation, consists of cutting and tying or cauterizing the Fallopian tubes through which her eggs travel to the uterus.
34. The early complication was hyperamylasemia, while occlusion of the stent was a late complication.
35. When there is occlusion, it chose three of the images' sequence with factorization to get the structure. Then it can use this structure to do the validity check for outliers.
36. Objective: Estimating if the articulator accords with the oral occlusion.
37. Objective To evaluate the therapeutic effect of vertebral artery occlusion for the posterior circulation unclipped aneurysms.
38. CWI is caused by systemic hypotension, carotid stenosis or occlusion, microembolisn.
39. Objective : To evaluate the application of local intravascular thrombolysis and PTA acute middle cerebral artery occlusion.
40. Conclusion SIA combined with stent implantation are safe and effective to treat iliac artery total occlusion with midterm follow-up.
41. Objective To investigate the effectiveness of soluble collagen lacrimal implants and KTP_laser for lacrimal puncta occlusion.
42. Objective: How distant the condyle moved to protrusive and its function importance for incisors occlusion.
43. Prevents hyperextension of, knees and occlusion of popliteal artery caused by pressure from body weight. Trochanter roll prevents external rotation of legs.
44. Objective To discuss the efficacy of different types of lacrimal duct occlusion with laser assisted dacryocystoplasty.
45. Normothetic occlusion of porta hepatis can reduce blood loss effectively when liver resection.
46. The result of the combined surgical - orthodontic treatment was facial symmetry and optimal occlusion.
47. Methods I/R model was established by bilateral common carotid arteries occlusion and haemospasia hypotension in rats.
48. Using the 2.5-D description model to analyze self occlusion and mutual occlusion,[] we propose the rules of occlusion resolvability.
49. Objective To study the spiral CT features of pancreatogenic segmental occlusion of portal system (PSOPS).
50. Objective To observe the changes of ABR threshold during semicircular canal occlusion in normal guinea pigs.
51. With the color as I wanted, I set an occlusion pass on top of everything with its blending mode set to MULTIPLY.
52. Conclusions Pontine infarctions, which mainly located in mid-upper paramedian pons, are usually due to vertebrobasilar artery stenosis and occlusion of pontine perforating arteries by hypertension.
53. Bency : Recently acute coronary occlusion is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in western countries, and it will be the major cause of death in the world before 2020 according to WHO.
54. Objective To investigate way of operation and management of complications in arterial sclerosis occlusion of lower extremity(ASO).
55. The prognosis in patients with basilar artery occlusion is very poor.
56. The spring-loaded occlusion lever opens the occlusion bed and simultaneously retracts the tubing retainers so that tubing slips right in.
57. Focal retinal argon laser photocoagulation did not cause retinal dysfunction in macular area, it demonstrates the security of argon laser treatment for ischemic branch retinal vein occlusion.
58. CTA demonstrated stenosis or occlusion of middle cerebral artery and internal carotid artery in 30 cases.
59. It is suggsted sequence arterial reconstruction is safe and effective for lower extremity arteriosclerotic occlusion.
60. Objective To study the dentofacial hard tissues features of people with normal occlusion of Shijiazhuang.
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