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Mold in a sentence

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Sentence count:228+3Posted:2017-01-11Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: carvecrumbledecaydeterioratedisintegrateformmodelrotsculptureshapespoilSimilar words: moltmoltensmoldermollifymoltingmoleculeimmolationseismologyMeaning: [məʊld]  n. 1. the distinctive form in which a thing is made 2. container into which liquid is poured to create a given shape when it hardens 3. loose soil rich in organic matter 4. the process of becoming mildewed 5. a fungus that produces a superficial growth on various kinds of damp or decaying organic matter 6. sculpture produced by molding. v. 1. form in clay, wax, etc 2. become moldy; spoil due to humidity 3. form by pouring (e.g., wax or hot metal) into a cast or mold 4. make something, usually for a specific function 5. fit tightly, follow the contours of 6. shape or influence; give direction to. 
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151 In - mold labels bronzing there are three ways: flat hot stamping, Rotary hot stamping, Rotary cold stamping.
152 All kinds of firebrick die. Refractory ball mold. Die frame.
153 Also the machine mold is up to the required temperature and is usually controlled by thermostat.
154 In this paper two contents are studied: the data library of mold standard parts, dynamic simulation of the punching process and the mold's mechanical-electrolytic polishing.
155 After testing Mark, they found that he was infected with a sinus bacterium called Mucor "bread mold".
156 High sensitivity NL5557 spark arrester, to effectively prevent damage to the mold.
157 The results show that the process is a clean process of mold and core sand foundry and does not pollute environment.
158 This simple candle holder made of a cobbler's shoe stand and mold is heavy and strong enough to withstand the wind, and it adds an eclectic, romantic feel to a basic candle in a mason jar.
159 Figure 1 provides a summary of the key reasons why permanent mold foundry operations should know (and be able to measure) their tooling life.
160 In all the formulas for mold spray, a common ingredient is water.
161 Perennial allergic rhinitis, triggered by dust mites, animal dander, and mold, occurs year - round.
162 The ice cream bar is made by homogenizing, sterilizing, cooling, freezing, mold filling and congealing in sequence after mixing the ingredients which include the pumpkin powder.
163 A substantial part of the cost structure for a permanent mold process foundry is tooling cost.Sentencedict
164 I knew a neat person once who threw away a perfectly good dish drainer because it had mold on it .
165 The invention discloses casting equipment and a casting method using solid-liquid two-phase region temperature as casting mold temperature, and belongs to the technical field of metal casting.
166 In brief, brand mold depending on sustaining power and stickability.
167 Acording to the shrinkage one over two hundred, the mold has been done in the right dimension, but the part falls short to your part drawing, are you sure the shrinkage is right?
168 Pulp-molding packaging products (pulp mold) are made of recycled trash paper, and used in cushion package and have the advantages of light mass, easy decomposability,[] good ventilation and so on.
169 The design continues to follow the river regional geological pattern character to mold public space of strand water special feature that regards the love as the subject.
170 It's highly prohibited that non-operator or non-repairman should enter the safety protection rails of the mold soaker to avoid scorching.
171 On basis of regional modeling method, a model of plastic profile parts is established. The model of the extrusion die is hereby presented, and the mold cavity and the mold core can be disparted.
172 A system for transferring molten metal from a vessel and into one or more of a ladle, ingot mold, launder, feed die cast machine or other structure is disclosed.
173 To address this issue, jet molding, offset molding and screw-type machine molding liquefy the thermosetting plastic just as it passes through the injection nozzle into the mold.
174 The investment shell mold was made of polyethylene wax and colloidal silica.
175 The experience of cast Mg alloy in graphite green sand mold was summarized and its casting characteristics were analyzed.
176 I have watched the potters mold, fire and paint their bowls, plates and vases with sacred designs.
177 Habitat: Indian Pipe is found on the forest floor in the leaf litter and mold. The species seems to be particularly common near Beech trees.
178 Given the cost of permanent mold tooling, buying a couple of books looks like a good investment.
179 An analysis of motional and mechanical characteristics for twin toggle, three links and five diagonal hinges mold closing device is made by structural method and using diagonal as variable.
180 Metal arc spray mold is a kind of composite mold with functionally gradient material structure, and consists of metal shell, backing strengthening layer and steel frame.
More similar words: moltmoltensmoldermollifymoltingmoleculeimmolationseismologyepistemology
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