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Methylmercury in a sentence

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Sentence count:22Posted:2024-09-16Updated:2024-09-16
Similar words: polymethyl methacrylatemercury thermometermercurymethyl ethyl ketonemercury poisoningdiphenylmethanemethylmethylal
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1. Conclusion The methylmercury likely has the effect on behavioral teratogenesis of rats.
2. Results Results showed that methylmercury inhibited the neurite outgrowth and survival of PC 12 cells.
3. The recovery of added methylmercury was reported to be approximately 90 %.
4. They found that even relatively low levels of methylmercury in the diet of male white ibises caused the birds to pair up with each other, snubbing females.
5. Objective To study the effect of methylmercury on the behavioral teratogenesis in filial rats.
6. Results Methylmercury could pass through yolk sac placenta quickly, and inhibit placenta development and blood vessel differentiation there at higher concentration.
7. Individuals are mainly exposed to methylmercury, an organic compound, when they eat fish and shellfish that contain methylmercury.
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8. To test the methylmercury link, Drevnick's team has begun new experiments with sediment samples collected from Cornwallis Island, Canada.
9. Methylmercury can bioaccumulate in these animals and disrupt their reproduction, development, and behavior.
10. Methylmercury is a form of mercury – the metal which is liquid at room temperature and is better known as quicksilver.
11. Methylmercury consumption is linked to decreases in IQ in children as well as neurodevelopmental problems.
12. To study the role of immediate early genes in the neurotoxic mechanism of chloro methylmercury.
13. This bacterial boom could lead to higher levels of methylmercury, a bioavailable form of the toxic metal.
14. To study the distribution of total mercury in organs and serum of maternal and offspring, ICR mice were administrated with low dose of methylmercury by drinking water.
15. One group ate food with 0.3? parts per -million (ppm) methylmercury, which most U.S. states would regard as too high for human consumption.
16. We know that plenty of toxic chemicals are harmful to developing brains—including lead, methylmercury, PCBs, organophosphate pesticides, flame retardants (PBDEs) and phthalates.
17. U.S. researcher Peter Frederick captured 160 young white ibises – a coastal wading bird – and gave them food laced with methylmercury.
18. One group ate food with 0.3 parts per million (ppm) methylmercury, which most U.
19. Meanwhile the heterosexual pairs courted less and were bad at parenting – patterns of behaviour that were both already known to be caused by methylmercury poisoning.
20. Conclusion Disturbance of embryonic cell behavior and related gene expression played important roles in developmental toxicity caused by methylmercury.
21. The sulfate-reducing bacteria are also known to transform inorganic mercury into methylmercury.
22. For mercury to show up in top lake predators, it has to be converted to methylmercury mercury's toxic form -- by organisms.
More similar words: polymethyl methacrylatemercury thermometermercurymethyl ethyl ketonemercury poisoningdiphenylmethanemethylmethylaldimethylmethylolmethylicmethylatemethylenemethylatedmethyldopamethyl groupmethylationmethylaminemethyl estermercuricmethyl bromidemethyl alcoholdimethylaminehydroxymethylmethylbenzenemethylene bluecarboxymethylmercurialmercuriustrimethylamine
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