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Meatball in a sentence

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Sentence count:38Posted:2017-05-30Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: great barrier reefat bayfootballspitballsoftballbasketballdebit balancecredit balanceMeaning: n. ground meat formed into a ball and fried or simmered in broth. 
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1. He speared a meatball with his fork.
2. Form into 8 patties or meatballs.
3. Sugared spaghetti with glazed meatballs and honeydew spinach.
4. Oh, you got your whole meatball.
5. I drift around the ballroom, spearing meatballs and feeling bad.
6. Add the meatballs to the pan and continue to simmer for a further 10 mins, or until they are cooked through.
7. We are peeling potatoes, forming tiny meatballs, browning chicken, shelling peas.
8. Add the meatballs or patties and fry until golden brown.
9. I ate the Chang Hua meatball.
10. Fry the meatball with oil for about 2 minutes.
11. IT is so thin, It'swallowed a meatball and were IT were pregnant.
12. I ate oyster omelet and meatball soup at thestand . How yummy they were!
13. The small meatball attagirl, lets mother have a look , looks at the hemp together.
13. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
14. She is so thin, she swallowed a meatball and was thought she was pregnant.
15. Has a look, the small meatball makes Wendeng in the class and grade correspondence.
16. The meatball son scold a way:Idiot, the somebody else took off clothes you incognizant .
17. Just looking at that meatball face of his will make people feel full, " he said.
18. The small meatball also can violate slightly some is wrong.
19. On the other night, I will usually make meatball subs or put some meatballs in a baked ziti or a lasagna. I try to change it up.
20. My mother cut some meat up and cooked some meatballs for us.
21. Cartons can be used to make ice cubes or as containers for storing frozen meatballs.
22. It seemed to me that I could smell the odor of meatballs and fresh bread coming from neighboring apartments.
23. Either eat some more, or take some of those meatballs home with you.
24. A mouthwatering variety of small portions of all kinds of food - from seafood to salad, omelettes to meatballs.
25. Residents still angry at the flood would still be angry at her, to use the best meatball psychology I know.
26. The schoolmaster skittishly slid his feet out of the way, lest a meatball come to rest against his glossy brogues.
27. Sprinkle over whole chicken or fish before cooking or add to minced pork to make meatballs.
28. In this article, the characters, processing craft and its key point of the deepfreeze chicken meatball were introduced.
29. I have a date that is go to IKEA with my sister. She want to buy some thing there , and I miss the Swedish Meatball.
30. Buy plain oatmeal and gussy it up yourself for breakfast with fruit or simply sub in oats instead of breadcrumbs in your favorite meatloaf or meatball recipe.
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