Similar words: primates, watergate scandal, rates, States, latest, greatest, intestate, alpha test. Meaning: [meɪt]
n. a pair of people who live together.
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31. They say men can't communicate, but Lee and his mates talk for England when they get together.
32. I usually play football with some of my mates from the office on Saturdays.
33. Rifat Ozbek and Paul Smith are good mates.
34. That's how it is between flat mates.
35. It was crewed by Larsen's ten burly mates.
36. His mates laughed, and helped him tie the topknot.
37. Driving his team mates like a demon.
38. Ed and his mates just bobbing along.
39. Peter: On Saturday I knock around with me mates.
40. This raises problems for creatures seeking mates.
41. Those who choose infertile mates leave no descendants.
42. Women can not increase their fecundity by taking more mates; men can.
43. But running mates seldom make much difference on Election Day.
44. One of his mates took the dented tube away from him and opened it,( splashing froth over a window.
45. Others prefer to strike up a conversation with table mates.
46. Billy and I were just good friends, really good mates.
47. After all we've been mates, working alongside at the smithy.
48. When horses and donkeys are pastured together there is no doubt that each species mates preferentially with its own kind.
49. According to them, a nightingale does not sing to inform potential mates about himself; he sings to seduce them.
50. Willie fought back the urge to leave, to scramble back up the embankment and join his mates as if nothing had happened.
51. I'd been mucking around and none of my mates like that.
52. He tells his mates what's what, and they laugh when he does.
53. She then mates with the transvestite who never risked his life.
54. And they believe that, if nothing else, Mr. Mates is in for shock.
55. He was almost cuddly, talking about how he plays football with his old mates and helps fix their go-karts.
56. He's so good, I hold the mares when he mates with them.
57. When a female mates with an attractive male, he works less hard and she works harder at bringing up the young.
58. All is severely formal and silent as the captain and mates eat.
59. The running mates don't really matter, so the candidates can improvise more.
60. The injured dogs'behaviour cannot be differentiated from that of their uninjured pack mates.
More similar words: primates, watergate scandal, rates, States, latest, greatest, intestate, alpha test, statesman, protestant reformation, pirate ship, mate, coordinates, united states, delicatessen, mater, private school, private sector, inmate, aggregate supply, estates general, climate, cremate, primate, amateur, animate, the private sector, housemate, casemate, helpmate.