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Magyar in a sentence

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Sentence count:9Posted:2018-09-19Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: pyongyangstagygeophagymagnetic resonance imagingyareyarnyardlanyardMeaning: ['mægjɑr /-jɑː]  n. 1. a native or inhabitant of Hungary 2. the official language of Hungary (also spoken in Rumania); belongs to the Ugric family of languages. adj. relating to or characteristic of Hungary. 
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1. The Magyar will send out word that his precious primadonna is missing? Fat chance.
2. This was a concession to the Magyars at the expense of other peoples within the borders of the Dual Monarchy.
3. Magyar Posse was supposed to do an European tour in the summer 2002 but the bands van was stolen the very first night in Riga , Latvia.
4. Meanwhile, a raven - haired Magyar concert violinist adds an exotic love interest to an already enthralling narrative.
5. Jezrael's body arched languorously; her dream-self believed she was nestling closer to the Magyar.
6. Thanks to its location along the border of the Hapsburg Empire, Kosice has Slavic as well as Magyar roots.
7. "In the United States, everyone recognizes Special Olympics — it's still different in Hungary," Magyar said.
8. Caption :"His fame has spread across Nepal and into India, " says his father Rupp Abrader Thana Magyar, 36.
9. "His fame has spread across Nepal and into India, " says his father Rupp Abrader Thana Magyar, 36.
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