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Luxury in a sentence

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Sentence count:186+15Posted:2017-01-11Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: comforteleganceextravagancefrillsgrandeurmagnificenceprosperitysplendorwell-beingSimilar words: subluxationjuryburyusuryinjurypenuryperjurycenturyMeaning: ['lʌkʃərɪ]  n. 1. something that is an indulgence rather than a necessity 2. the quality possessed by something that is excessively expensive 3. wealth as evidenced by sumptuous living. 
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121. James arrived at the docks expecting to see a luxury liner.
122. His name became a byword for extreme luxury.
123. Contentment is natural wealth, luxury is artificial poverty. Socrates 
124. Literature is a luxury; fiction is a necessity. G.K. Chesterton 
125. The A-cups are big on luxury.
126. Undefended, or strife-torn, it could afford no such luxury.
127. Leather and brass fittings add a touch of luxury.
128. They couldn't afford the luxury of open-market values.
129. A luxury hotel adjoins the convention center.
130. The Normandie, due on May 18,( promises luxury afloat.
131. Utility is when you have one telephone, luxury is when you have two, opulence is when you have three - and paradise is when you have none. Doug Larson 
132. Until late antiquity Vulso's triumph remained a byword for luxury.
133. A library is not a luxury but one of the necessities of life. Henry Ward Beecher 
134. Or rediscover the drama of the big screen at one of Brighton's luxury cinemas.
135. All bedrooms have a luxury you would expect - from colour television to sizeable private bathrooms.
136. Tolstikov is a wealthy professional athlete, yet he considers bananas a luxury.
137. In California you chew the juice out of grapes and spit the skin away, a real luxury.
138. The Fannings knew the Garcfas could not afford such a luxury these days.
139. And not just any old envelope, but a special luxury brand with a griffin watermark.
140. Teller robbed bank for love A BANK clerk robbed the till of £850,000 to keep her married boyfriend in luxury.
141. They've scoured their record collections for their favourite chic embellishments soas to enhance the luxury commodity aura of their product.
142. He turned round, offering me a hunk of bread and margarine with cheese on top - real luxury.
143. The money was not distributed fairly, but too often financed artificial luxury on the part of a particular caste.
144. Many elements in its tale of crime, rape, blackmail and luxury beyond dreams are duplicated in the Fujian affair.
145. You've assigned me the role of heartless villain financier, obsessed with money, wealth, and luxury.
146. To them, recovering from a broken collar bone in the opulent surroundings of Clarence House, would be luxury.
147. It's just along from Brighton's Naturist Beach where you can indulge in the luxury of an all-over tan.
148. He specialized in finding stolen luxury cars, developing excellent contacts with both police and criminals.
149. Buses were destroyed and a luxury tourist hotel burnt to the ground, although no holidaymakers were injured.
150. Every pore of his skin felt aware, as sensitive as it did after the luxury of a hot bath.
More similar words: subluxationjuryburyusuryinjurypenuryperjurycentury
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