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Loyal in a sentence

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Sentence count:212+8Posted:2016-07-22Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: devoteddutifulfaithfulobedienttruetrustworthySimilar words: royalby all meansflamboyantdeployemployemployeremployeeemploymentMeaning: ['lɔɪəl]  adj. 1. steadfast in allegiance or duty 2. inspired by love for your country 3. unwavering in devotion to friend or vow or cause. 
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211. The DPJ is stuffed with backbenchers loyal to Ichiro Ozawa, an old-timer who resigned from the party leadership because of a fund-raising scandal but who still undermines Mr Kan.
212. De Burgh, who has a loyal following in Iran, visited for the first time in May, and said he hoped the authorities would give him permission to perform.
More similar words: royalby all meansflamboyantdeployemployemployeremployeeemploymentunemployment
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