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Longfellow in a sentence

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Sentence count:22Posted:2022-02-04Updated:2022-02-04
Similar words: teaching fellowfellowfellow travellerhail-fellow-well-metfellowmenfellowmanbedfellowfellowshipMeaning: n. United States poet remembered for his long narrative poems (1807-1882). 
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1. Longfellows captain Billy McKibben led by example as his team got home 7-2 against the Strikers.
2. In the Hague, Mary Longfellow suffered a miscarriage.
3. Longfellow made his bid for and won literary recognition.
4. Nor was Longfellow without originality, of a limited order.
5. Longfellow Deeds: He talks about women as if they were cattle.
6. Longfellow was lucky in securing a professorship of modern languages at Harvard.
7. Longfellow, Lowell, Holmes: all three, great men to their own age, have dwindled subsequently.
8. The First Snow By Henry Wadsworth Longfellow The first snow came.
9. That Longfellow chap most likely had written countless books of poetry.
10. Longfellow, William Pitt Preble, 1901. Applied perspective, for architects and painters.
11. Although he was little past sixty, Longfellow was becoming the grand old man of American letters.
12. What has Longfellow the most successful of them all[Sentence dictionary], to offer us?
13. If you would hit the mark, you must aim a little above it. Every arrow that flies feels the attraction of earth. ——Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.
14. The Senior Cup final was contested between arch rivals Longfellows, winners in 1992, and the Oakley.
15. How much do you know about the works of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow?
16. Again the young friends gave way to their mirth ( Henry Wadsworth Longfellow ).
17. How much do you know about the work of henry longfellow?
18. Art is long , and Time is fleeting . ( Henry Wadsworth Longfellow ).
19. Tale of Acadie is a poem published in 1847 by the American poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.
20. Even so, there is a slight odour of potpourri emanating from Longfellow.
21. How much do you know about the works of Henry Wads Worth Longfellow?
22. How much do you know about the work of henry wadsworth longfellow.
More similar words: teaching fellowfellowfellow travellerhail-fellow-well-metfellowmenfellowmanbedfellowfellowshipclassfellowschoolfellowfellow workerfellow feelinggood-fellowshipfellow travelerlong forlong formlifelonglong facefelloepull a long faceyellow-belliedmellontell ondwell onmellowyellowbellowyellowsyellowyfeel low
Total 22, 30 Per page  1/1 
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