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Loader in a sentence

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Sentence count:180Posted:2018-02-21Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: loadedunloadedoverloadedloaded for bearspring-loadedloadloadsload upMeaning: ['ləʊdə(r)]  n. 1. a laborer who loads and unloads vessels in a port 2. an attendant who loads guns for someone shooting game. 
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(31) Qiaoxiang Machinery Industry Co, . ltd is a professional manufacturer of telescopic boom forklift truck , forklift truck , loader , driving axle , gear box and other machinery products .
(32) The application gains access to the shared objects by using function calls dlopen, dlsym, and dlclose to the dynamic linking loader.
(33) Then the loader maps the first DLL to the 0 x 10000000 memory address.
(34) Consider the challenge of creating a Linux bootable CD-ROM, which consists of a boot loader, an initrd, a kernel, and a loopback filesystem sitting on the CD.
(35) Because these are trusted system classes, the bootstrap loader skips much of the validation that gets done for normal (untrusted) classes.
(36) The loaders fix the independent lath and can be movably arranged on the loader guides.
(37) They are important data to judge steering function of loader such as steering radius, force moment of resistance and moment of steering.
(38) The capability of Backhoe loader was forecasted by dynamic simulation in the end.
(39) Backhoe loader is a new type construction machine and its working equipment is a special eight-bar mechanism.
(40) The GRUB MBR boot loader merely searches for a special boot partition and loads a second stage boot loader.
(41) EFI includes its own boot loader, so you can boot from a GPT disk on an EFI-based system.
(42) Bucket loader is a kind of well-used efficient project vehicle, it is widely applied in loading and unloading of various sorts of goods.
(43) The dynamic libraries are mapped into the application execution memory by the dynamic linking loader.
(44) Matched by large tonnage dumpers(, a loader of large dumping height presents strong market competition due to its faster work cycle.
(45) For these routines , the linkage editor places special import references in the executable file, and the run time loader fixes up these references to point to the actual system code.
(46) This paper describes in detail the guiding process of an operating system, involving an implementation of a bootstrap loader and a simple kernel based on IA32.
(47) With the force of the aerodynamic booster, we can manipulate the loader relaxedly with less force, and control it conveniently and easily.
(48) If you're using a variable named loader() you're just asking for a Javascript smack down.
(49) Primary boot loaders are where the first stage of the boot loader is installed on the MBR (per the previous description).
(50) Before any program can run, the operating system loader must load it into real memory.
(51) Three main classes of software all require GPT support: the kernel, the boot loader, and low-level disk utilities.
(52) In this study, loader cab was taken as a special and complex man-machine. By the aid of the theory of man-machine engineering and computerized simulation, the CAD method of loader cab was realized.
(53) The operating system loader calls this method regardless of the entry point specified in the image file.
(54) Taking a loader for calculation example, the output characteristic curve and the haulage characteristic curve were acquired after matching.
(55) The research work provides with a valid designing and developing means for the work equipment of the new-style anti-explosion loader.
(55) try its best to collect and build good sentences.
(56) An EFI operating system loader supports multiple options on the user interface.
(57) Once this has loaded, it then enters an intermediate stage between the common boot loader stages one and two (or for argument's sake, Stage 1.5).
(58) The unit carries out the electric control of loader completely.
(59) In the Dominator tree view (which is a list of objects that together retain the entire Java heap), the classloader grouping replaces the name of the class loader with a description of what it loads.
(60) Cement bulk loader can convey cement from bottom silo to bulk truck or ship automatically.
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