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Label in a sentence

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Sentence count:213+18Posted:2016-07-16Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: nametagtitleSimilar words: diabetesa bed of roseslabbellbeltbelowrebellaborMeaning: ['leɪbl]  n. 1. a brief description given for purposes of identification 2. trade name of a company that produces musical recordings 3. a radioactive isotope that is used in a compound in order to trace the mechanism of a chemical reaction 4. an identifying or descriptive marker that is attached to an object. v. 1. assign a label to; designate with a label 2. attach a tag or label to 3. pronounce judgment on 4. distinguish (as a compound or molecule) by introducing a labeled atom 5. distinguish (an element or atom) by using a radioactive isotope or an isotope of unusual mass for tracing through chemical reactions. 
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91. The manufacturer makes products to match the retailer's specifications and these are labelled with the retailer's own distinctive label.
92. Join a consumers group and lobby for government legislation to make manufacturers label their products fully and accurately.
93. With dizzying speed, the tiny label almost single-handedly ignited the hip-hop revolution that made rap a household word.
94. I think most of the bad part is being confined anyway, being incarcerated-under the label of being mentally ill.
95. All second hand furniture should be fitted with a safety label like this.
96. Water well. 4 Label the pot and put on a cool bench or in a cold frame.
97. Almost all packaged foods now sport the Nutrition Facts label to help you make informed food choices.
98. On the inside, as promised, was a label, printed black on gold, scratched and ink-stained but clearly legible.
99. He read the label, then turned and ran downstairs three at a time.
100. After almost $ 20, 000 in legal fees, though, Frederick Brewing won approval with its catchy label intact.
101. There is no label on the bottle, it tastes a wee bit vinegary.
102. Label each container clearly. Place the sown containers in a warm propagator to germinate.
103. The Edel MacBride label is already familiar to Chicago with clothing being sold at a large department store in the city.
104. The derivation of a particular label is often quite obvious.
105. This label reflects the apparent concentration of power in executives and the relative decline of legislatures' powers.
106. McKennitt has since recorded four more albums on her own label, Quinlan Road.
107. And will the label have negative consequences for the person to whom it is applied?
108. The inclusion of an empty leather luggage label simply inscribed Josef Bien is one reminder of her personal involvement.
109. Few would label themselves feminists, and almost without exception they have worked hard at being submissive to their husbands.
110. It has never lost an artist from its record label, supposedly because it consists of many small and friendly individual companies.
111. A former legal-aid attorney, Mr Morrison is unusual in accepting, even welcoming, a liberal label.
112. Instead they seem to close ranks against any criticism and label it persecution.
113. If the new range do as well Doc Martens will surely be established as Britain's best known designer label.
114. Another kind of price competition between supermarkets is in the extent and diversity of private label offerings, so-called store brands.
115. Don't put that dress in the washing machine - the label says it should be dry-cleaned.
116. The organizational theorists who have championed the matrixing approach candidly label it an organizational overlay.
117. This label is not as unambiguous as might appear at first glance.
118. After washing with ethanol and drying, the amount of incorporated label was determined by scintillation counting.
119. As a rule even musicians signed to major label deals go uninsured, unless they have the foresight to insure themselves.
120. First comes a diagnosis of cerebral palsy, a label that seems right until other puzzling symptoms appear.
More similar words: diabetesa bed of roseslabbellbeltbelowrebellaborbe leftbelievebelong tobelieve inelaborateavailablelaboratorylaboriouslybe availableavailabilitycollaboration
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