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1 Ionics sells desalination and water-treatment systems.
2 The ionic radius varies among the elements depending on atomic number and ionic charge of the ion.
3 This one has Ionic columns and a balustrade, and the speaker's gallery seems to have been right.
4 One of the simplest is an ionic crystal like sodium chloride, the first mineral analyzed after the discovery of x-ray diffraction.
5 When small atoms bond together through ionic or covalent chemical bonds, the compactness of the bond makes it extremely strong.
6 Few bonds are exclusively ionic or covalent; instead, most are hybrids.
7 Ionic bonds form most strongly between elements like sodium and chlorine.
8 The newer, non-ionic contrast materials may be less likely to excite pancreatic inflammation than ionic media.
9 Most Roman temples are in the Corinthian order, a few Ionic but rarely Doric.
10 The porch is a semicircle of giant Ionic columns running the full height of the house.
11 The Doric capitals were large and simple, the Ionic ones of the Aeolic type.
12 Coordination number Ionic Crystals Ions in an ionic crystal are held together by electrostatic forces.
13 Each type of ion in an ionic lattice has its own coordination number.
14 First[sentencedict.com], fluoridation will raise the average steady state or plateau level of ionic fluoride in the blood throughout the total population.
15 The dome is supported on four columns which have Ionic capitals taken from a classical temple which earlier stood upon the site.
16 Leading from the Library, the visitor enters a circular building, about 45 yards in diameter with an outer Ionic portico.
17 The building looks like a library or similar public building with its classical portico and columns with Ionic capitals.
18 From the atria one passes into the first peristyle which has an Ionic colonnade and a central fountain.
19 Ahead,(www.Sentencedict.com) a handful of broken Ionic columns rose against the pale blue sky.
20 The large Ionic Temple of Artemis at Sardis seems to have been built in three phases.
21 The solid state ionics has been penetrating into and combining with microelectronics, biological and medical sciences, nano-materials, semiconductors, forming new growing sites and cross-disciplines.
22 The NASICON sensitive materials for ionics sensors were prepared by sol-gel process and the process was compared with the conventional ceramic process.
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