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Gynaecology in a sentence

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Sentence count:50Posted:2017-08-17Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: gynaecologistgynecologygynecologistecologyoncologytoxicologyecologistecologicalMeaning: n. the branch of medicine that deals with the diseases and hygiene of women. 
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31. Shade is burned inside urticant, thicken of leucorrhoea grow in quantity and show reseda, excuse me inflammation of which kinds of department of gynaecology be?
32. The table is supplied for surgical operation of chest, abdomen gynaecology and obstetrics, orthopaedics department.
33. Does abortive hind take prophylactic to you can cause gynaecology? Can infecund?
34. Fatty liver: Pelvic inflammation, department of gynaecology inflammation, insomnia, cephalea,( nervosism .
35. How is labium damage met? Not urticant however, seem at ordinary times skin damage same. Can have disease of department of gynaecology so, or Where is other disease?
36. Professor Zhang Lizhu, famous expert in Gynaecology and Obstetrics , and the first test-tube baby on Mainland.
37. How can ability prevent the happening of inflammation of department of gynaecology?
38. Which Shanghai department of gynaecology hospital, cures an abnormal menstruation well?
39. It can be used in vulval disinfection, it is effective on some pathopoiesia microorganisms that can lead gynaecology inflammation,( including.
40. Is palace neck debaucjed defect of serious department of gynaecology?
41. If infecting the department of gynaecology inflammation how long does the longest meeting report out in?
42. Is acupuncture cure sciatica good? Can you accentuate inflammation department of gynaecology?
43. Is vaginal agnail defect of very serious department of gynaecology?
44. Do examination of comprehensive department of gynaecology how to many money want?
45. Problem of department of gynaecology The breast bilges all thepainful, meet sometimes faint smartly.
46. Is ill vaginitis of department of gynaecology mixed picture rises?
47. Which kinds of antiphlogistic drug should department of gynaecology drink after urgent clear palace?
48. How much is the cost that groovy department of gynaecology examines?
49. Are long blain blain and gynaecology concerned on the face?
50. Expert of department of gynaecology estimates: The woman that has 15% is sustaining different level " chronic pudenda is aching " harrass.
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