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Gorge in a sentence

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Sentence count:160+2Posted:2017-02-20Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: devourgobblegullygulpravinestuffvalleySimilar words: gorgeousforgetforget aboutforgettinggorillaallegoryvigorouscategoryMeaning: [gɔrdʒ /gɔːdʒ]  n. 1. a deep ravine (usually with a river running through it) 2. a narrow pass (especially one between mountains) 3. the passage between the pharynx and the stomach. v. overeat or eat immodestly; make a pig of oneself. 
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31. Wendy and I felt our gorge rise, and simply could not eat.
32. Town and canton rose in importance after the early thirteenth century when the bridging of the Schollenen gorge opened up the Cotthard.
33. Beyond there the gorge walls are often vertical or steep slopes of rubble, impassable whatever the season.
34. It is well worth visiting just as a tourist or to do the five-hour walk along the bottom of the gorge.
35. Music had cleansed him as a river cleans a gorge through which it tumbles.
36. A former merchant marine officer, Webb declared that he intended to conquer the rapids of the gorge below the suspension bridge.
37. Once there they gorge themselves until they are so bloated they can hardly take off.
38. Here the Severn, squeezed between the wooded walls of the gorge, churns relentlessly, eroding an ever deeper channel.
39. As the warriors turned to fight, Joseph hurried the helpless ones towards the gorge into which Canyon Creek ran.
40. The string, caught in the rocks of the gorge, had snapped.
41. At their heart is the Cheddar Gorge and the famous show caves penetrating deep into the hills.
42. Hung on seemingly gossamer cables and curving seductively over a frothing gorge below the Falls, it would be esthetically ideal.
43. Evidence of that older, wider river, left behind above the gorge walls, gave Lyell the clues he needed.
44. The gorge was his theater and the railways were delighted to act as his agents.
45. They climbed to safety, and a moment later a tremendous explosion rocked the gorge.
46. This wonderful diverse stretch of woodland clings tenaciously to the almost precipitous sides of the gorge.
47. All fish love eating tubifex and will gorge themselves silly on the worm.
48. I'd win blue rosettes and gorge on salmon and cream.
49. I saw a creek at one point, visible at the bottom of a gorge.
50. He built four massive towers, two on each side of the gorge, to support four cables.
50. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
51. To descend into Olduvai Gorge - back two million years in time - is humbling.
52. Two walkways projected over the gorge on both sides of the river.
53. Cave walls painted with Aboriginal drawings, a gorge about a quarter mile deep, filled with only eucalyptus and birds.
54. Ahead of us, the ledge widens and the walls of the gorge flare out, framing an idyllic, enchanted scene.
55. In the wild they are opportunist feeders and at times of plenty they gorge themselves and then may fast for several weeks.
56. We swam in the chilly river of the Titou Gorge where it winds through caverns underground.
57. We turned north along the Shyok gorge and passed through some of the most incredible scenery that any of us had witnessed.
58. I want to gorge on life with you, I want to take your strength from you and give you my care.
59. At the bottom of the Grand Canyon the oldest rocks of all are exposed in a gorge lined with vertical cliffs.
60. He was sitting on a bench near the top of the hill, overlooking the throw-yourself-off bridge and the deep deep gorge.
More similar words: gorgeousforgetforget aboutforgettinggorillaallegoryvigorouscategoryalgorithmorgangordian knotvigorouslycategorizeforgivefor goodagoraphobiaorganicsorghumorganismorganizeorganizeddisorganiseorganizationorganisationdisorganizedurgevergesurgepurgelarge
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