Similar words: variety, a variety, variety show, a variety of, unvaried, contrariety, garden of eden, garden.

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1. He is not one of your garden-variety criminals.
2. The experiment itself is garden-variety science.
3. This is not one of your garden-variety cases of fraud.
4. Mine are your everyday garden-variety blue.
5. This guy just walks around like your ordinary garden-variety cat.
6. The ordinary, garden-variety choking most people suffer has a more obvious source, however: inexperience—no exposure to an audience, not enough times confronting a critical deadline.
7. On one level this is a garden-variety PR campaign by Lenovo, which is very active in using the Olympics to market itself around the globe.
8. Between pregnancy, pornography, labiaplasty, and the garden-variety insecurity that comes with the territory of being a woman in the Western world[], ladies can get pretty worried about their vaginas.
9. Garden-variety greed may be as common in Silicon Valley as it is elsewhere, but financial success is also an indisputable yardstick for achievement.
10. It was a garden-variety slump - lived and leaving few lasting scars.
11. They think they can replicate their performance using garden-variety financial products.
12. It had become a garden-variety suburb in the Baltimore-Washington Corridor; there was crime there, and racial unrest.
13. But there are other, smaller details that make this feel like a higher-quality machine than your garden-variety netbook.
14. In the process, Morgan revealed that he's capable of frightening (and unfunny) invective, and left his audience wondering whether he is a garden-variety homophobe.
15. The Depression began, to a large extent, as a garden-variety downturn.
16. These symptoms, he told her, were so nonspecific that they could be found in everything from garden-variety Lyme disease to something really exotic such as Rocky Mountain spotted fever.
17. Investors will be even less willing to finance banks, as more garden-variety loans to businesses and householders turn bad.
18. There is a positive side to procrastination, but it's important not to confuse procrastination at its best with everyday garden-variety procrastination. Sometimes — sometimes!
19. By the time we reached the area, all we encountered were the garden-variety traffic jams here and there.
20. Lehman's failure is widely seen as a similar turning-point in the current financial crisis: an unexpected blunder that came close to turning a garden-variety recession into another Depression.
21. In addition to concerns about swine flu, doctors also expect some garden-variety flu this fall as well, an illness that typically kills 36, 000 Americans and hospitalizes 200, 000 each year.
22. After another 100 million years, the quasar exhausts its fuel and goes dark, becoming just a garden-variety, billion-solar-mass or so black hole.
23. Finally, and most important, what we're facing now isn't your garden-variety recession.
More similar words: variety, a variety, variety show, a variety of, unvaried, contrariety, garden of eden, garden, gardenia, gardener, gardening, herb garden, roof garden, garden hose, garden rake, rock garden, garden plant, garden party, garden chair, flower garden, victory garden, kitchen garden, vegetable garden, market gardening, botanical garden, landscape gardener, hanging gardens of babylon, notoriety, sobriety, invariant.