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Embody in a sentence

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Sentence count:157+2Posted:2016-08-21Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: comprisecontaincoverembraceincludeincorporatetake inSimilar words: bodya body ofsymbolakimbobloodycustodysymbolicflamboyantMeaning: [ɪm'bɒdɪ]  v. 1. represent in bodily form 2. represent, as of a character on stage 3. represent or express something abstract in tangible form. 
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91 Start each day with an alkalizing cup of lemon water by squeezing a fresh lemon (not sugar) into purified water. Make sure you embody the pulp.
92 Those hands embody the scientific naturalism that began among the Lombard Herbalists of the late 14th century and would be revived, a century after Leonardo, in Caravaggio and his followers.
93 The method of semi - soft threshold embody the idea of multi - resolution together with adaptive process.
94 The work of art has the same tendentiousness with it and can show the respective life style of the artists. Therefore, we can say that the actions of art embody the whole process of an artist's life.
95 The rationality of theory of Common Dangerous Behavior can embody the advanced skills of legal regulation and the benefit balance between conductor and aggrieved party.
96 The standards of criminal proofs' legitimacy are regulated by law and embody the intervention of law-maker to criminal proofs.
97 The woman images in Rasputin's works embody the worthy qualities and the folk world view of the Russian people.
98 We should restrictively apply criminal silence right in criminal detection work so as to use criminal detection work to crack down on crime and to embody humanistic spirit.
99 The interactive partitioning system embody the platform based design character of SOC-CDE environment, and make good use of the design programming result in algorithm level.
100 The most important of all is that we don't have a special credit evaluation model for MSEs which can embody the nature of creativity expansibility of MSEs in our country.
101 But the idea they embody, that a near-permanent connection to the internet permits simpler technology, is already changing the economics of the PC business.
101 try its best to collect and create good sentences.
102 To a certain extent, China's actual tax policy of high-tech industry cannot completely embody the aim of industry policy and cannot speedily accelerate high-tech industry development.
103 Garment material is the essential component in garment constitution. It can embody the cosiness of the garment, which consists of not only human physiological but also psychological cosiness.
104 Its constitution, actualization and management embody the decision and volition of government.
105 His sculptures embody the excesses of an often unreflective and hyperactive consumer society, and his architectural installations brim with dystopic energy.
106 The fundamental construction of the campus should be based on the belief of programming first and fully embody the garden features humane spirit.
107 He says--and here's that Yeatsian word "all" again--he says: When I try to put all into a phrase I say, "Man can embody truth but he cannot know it."
108 Altogether, the changes "embody the humaneness of the country", he said.
109 The technical tactics embody aspects as practicing digital copyright protection technology and applying advanced browser software.
110 Since pactum commissorium was outlawed during Constantine's reign Emperor, there have been four legislation choices in the world, which embody different purposes concerning the value of law.
111 Form quality is the premise and basis to embody cursive form , convey its meaning and life.
112 The connotation of chemical quality education embody technical quality and affective quality.
113 The concrete adversaria and miscellanies of its folk - custom embody imprecation of people for health and auspicious.
114 But he seemed to me at this moment to embody the life - hope of the British nation.
115 Hemingway's characters plainly embody his own values and view of life.
116 This paper will embody it by making gentlization, sharp and embossment on a image.
117 A case of pile-sinking is bring forward in every forementioned engineering measure, then embody analysis and evaluation of applying the measures are made in the paper.
118 The innervation design form can embody the design thought and spirit more vividly.
119 What values does he embody? Grayness grayness that suggests the color of a land and a culture, the color of stone, of peasant clothes.
120 We need a narrative of episodes of severe unemployment that does not embody crude make-work bias but does not deny the existence of large amounts of involuntary unemployment.
More similar words: bodya body ofsymbolakimbobloodycustodysymbolicflamboyantmemberembraceassembleresemblerememberassemblymembershipembarrassed
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