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Dotted in a sentence

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Sentence count:195+11Posted:2017-04-07Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: spottedbesottedgottenrottenforgottenlotteryhot tempertotteringMeaning: [dɒt]  adj. 1. having a pattern of dots 2. having gaps or spaces. 
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151. Thus a dotted half note or minim is equal in length to three quarter notes or crotchets.
152. Drag the big light-blue point around the green dotted circle, and observe it.
153. The streets had become slushy by exposure to the prankish sun, and the thawing snow was dotted with traces of footsteps.
154. The coastal province of eastern Gulf of St. Lawrence and is surrounded by Northumberland Strait, warm sandy beaches dotted all over, the water in northern Virginia, the most warmth.
155. Standing on the ramparts, I am dazzled by the Brahmins' blue houses, which are dotted all over the city (Jodhpur is often referred to as the Blue City).
156. Closer examination of the average, the dotted black line, and of the workload, shows this server is in a startup transient state.
157. Many of them dotted the hillside, some more strangely formed than others, sort of like mutated topiary on steroids.
158. Points can form a line, but they can also make up a beautiful picture. This workshop will introduce the technique of Pointillism, teaching you how to create your own dotted painting!
159. Cataract Canyon begins just below the confluence, and contains a very popular stretch of water for river rafters, dotted with rapids.
160. Enormous detectors dotted around the ring are waiting, as is the world's biggest supercomputing grid.
161. Accrding to human physiology, dotted massage of the arch can help the foot arch support well, which is good for games and sports.
162. But before Ortiz signed on the dotted line, he had a special clause added to the contract.
163. As shown in Figure 10, a dotted line with a closed, unfilled arrow means realization (or implementation); as we saw in Figure 4, a solid arrow line with a closed, unfilled arrow means inheritance.
164. The gold-colored torch is dotted with 8, 000 holes, representing the 8, 000 bearers who will carry the torch.
165. In parts it was still green, and dotted with antelopes and warthog, but as our journey progressed, it became drier and hotter, and the nature of the occasional stops changed, too.
166. Some people say Io , dotted with volcanoes, looks like a pepperoni pizza, and that's about right.
167. The dotted lines indicate which AO's contribute significantly to each MO.
168. The map had a series of colored circles dotted over it.
169. The chartreuse circle, three inches (eight centimeters) in diameter, is dotted with 23 seed holders and ringed by immature pollen sacs.
170. It now has the largest cattle herd in Amazonas and much of the virgin rainforest has gone, replaced with dozens of sprawling cattle ranches, dotted with white zebu cows and the occasional cowboy.
171. You could get here by typing, but few people are likely willing to commit the dotted decimal IP address of this Web site to memory.
172. The gold-plated chain is dotted with gorgeous Light Rose and Indian Pink crystals, creating a fluid design.
173. Yes, sort of like the way argyle socks and polka - dotted bow ties go together.
174. The bear had dark eyes, and its scraggly brown fur was dotted with patches of gray.
175. A spoof of jaws begins as his stomach becomes a sea of acid dotted with boats.
176. She dressed herself in a worn shirt-waist of dotted Blue percale, a skirt of light-Brown serge rather faded, and a small straw hat which she had worn all summer at Columbia City.
177. In order to maximize the use of the counterfoils page, the counterfoils will also be printed on both sides with dotted lines separating each counterfoil.
178. But after thickly dotted ground repeats a shop to stick wall of good one side, often be dazzling, desultorily ,[sentence dictionary] the vision pounds too ultra intense.
179. Results:The normal tendon showed many fine parallel high echoes mixed with a little of tiny parallel low echo on longitudinal scan and dotted circular or ellipse high-echoes on transverse scan.
180. The trees grew more and more in groves and dotted with old yews.
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