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Dishpan in a sentence

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Sentence count:11Posted:2018-08-30Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: danish pastrybritish parliamentcash paymentpatch panelbirth pangsfishpondselfish personbritish poundMeaning: n. large pan for washing dishes. 
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1. In the other half l set another dishpan under the pump for rinsing.
2. The one who took the dishpan, of course, " replied the Frogman, and hearing this all the Yips nodded their heads gravely and said to one another".
3. Francesca moved through it with a dishpan done in cracked white enamel.
3. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
4. A dishpan or basin can be placed under the mother's vagina to catch the amniotic fluid and blood.
5. I watched as Mother peeled the tissue paper off a large box that read, "Eaton's Finest Enamel Dishpan" on its lid.
6. I'll never forget that Christmas morning. I watched as Mother peeled the tissue paper off a large box that read, "Eaton'sFinest Enamel Dishpan" on its lid.
7. "He is not, " said Avery. "He lets me scratch him between the eyes. " The frog jumped and landed in Mrs. Zuckerman's dishpan full of soapy water.
8. The heat and cold sources are distributed at the stereographic projection map of Northern Hemisphere on the dishpan bottom.
9. If you need a few minutes to do dishes, you can set her up next to you with a dishpan filled with soapy water and coins.
10. Mother opened the box to find a big white enamel dishpan - overflowing with crimson satin that spilled out across her lap.
11. When Dad and I asked, she thought carefully then hinted modestly for some tea towels, face clothes or a new dishpan.
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