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Decreased in a sentence

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Sentence count:285+16Posted:2017-08-14Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: decreasedecreasingincreaseddeceasedcreasegreasedincreaseincrease inMeaning: [diː'kriːs]  adj. made less in size or amount or degree. 
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151. This decreased crying and fussing were shown to be associated with generally increased contentment in the first three months of life.
152. Simultaneously, sedimentation occurred at the base, as in previous experiments, so the mean concentration decreased with time.
153. Instead of regular shaping at the armhole edge, the decreased stitches seem to be bolder and less frequent.
154. However, telephone calls relating to alcohol misuse decreased from 47 in 1997 to 39 in 1998.
155. Harvests decreased by 21.22 percent and stock markets registered a annual fall in value of 68 percent.
156. Since 1975 the consumption of beef has decreased from 89 pounds per capita to 76. 5 pounds per capita.
157. The binding of the enzyme-labeled drug to the antibody causes a steric alteration that results in decreased enzyme activity.
158. The high standard of diagnostic imaging skills at our hospital has led to a decreased reliance on clinical findings.
159. Also, the programme of trade missions undertaken in 1990/91 decreased in comparison to the previous year.
160. The laxative dose was gradually decreased after two to three months to a dose that maintained one bowel movement daily.
161. In the present study tissue type plasminogen activator activity in columnar carcinomas of the stomach, however, was significantly decreased.
162. In general, the consumption of animal products has decreased while the consumption of plant products increased during recent years.
163. Moreover, if one-way systems are introduced, cycle use is discouraged and safety is decreased by the increased vehicle speeds.
164. Was that due to decreased amounts of cholesterol in the cancer cells?
164. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
165. As funding for these groups has increased, funding for multilateral lending bodies has decreased.
166. He had mild tinnitus, and slightly decreased auditory acuity.
167. In addition, they experienced decreased neuroticism, or negative emotionality.
168. Conclusion Decreased PKC positive cells in the preoptic area may be associated with endocrine disturbance in postmenopausal women.
169. Tolbutamide , indomethacin and diclofenac interacted with each other, resulting in the decreased formation of metabolites catalyzed by CYP2C9.
170. The statistics show that from 1994 to 2001 the area of land, grass, holt and exposed land increased, while the saline land, dene, gobi and wetland decreased.
171. The relation between yellowness index and time of irradiation is a power function. After irradiation, the most decreased amino acids are corresponding to tryptophan, histidine and tyrosine.
172. The fluorescence intensity of ANS was decreased and red - shifted after CCl 4 treatment of the membranes.
173. As planting density increased, the growth ring width and tracheid row decreased but proportion of late wood increased.
174. In aplastic anemia patients ( 7 cases ) RET # decreased and HFR increased moderately.
175. The diameter of the column has now decreased to 2 , 000 feet.
176. Leakage current during the time between the chip is electrified but not programmed is decreased mostly, gated clock and input pull-down are used to eliminate swing power of unused LC.
177. Furthermore, the invasion of Spartina alterniflora may affect progenitive birds when it decreased insect diversity in Jiuduansha wetlands.
178. Furthermore, both abundance and diversity for the total radiolarian showed the highest values in the upper 50m layer and decreased with water depth increasing.
179. Conclusion The patients of hirsute decreased the activity of treatment with CC.
180. But the algorithm based on traditional FFT can cause range precision and velocity precision decreased, because of the inherent frequency space of FFT.
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