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Decreased in a sentence

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Sentence count:285+16Posted:2017-08-14Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: decreasedecreasingincreaseddeceasedcreasegreasedincreaseincrease inMeaning: [diː'kriːs]  adj. made less in size or amount or degree. 
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121. Towards the end of the decade, with elections looming, land distribution decreased in favour of greater emphasis on raising agricultural yields.
122. One reason literacy skills have decreased is, of course, television.
123. Neighbors say that the staff decreased from about 25 to 5 in recent months and started coming in only in the mornings.
124. In our study, tight junctions were often characterised by discontinuity and decreased numbers of tight junctional strands.
125. A large proportion of the local population was actively employed in the wool trade, although it had certainly decreased.
126. Stool frequency and volume decreased and bile acid absorption increased after treatment.
127. The results have varied, showing no effect in some and decreased secretion in others.
128. Another factor is that the characteristics of intervals are greatly increased in the low registers and decreased in the upper.
129. The number of drawings sold has increased from eight to ten, but the total value has decreased from £5,600 to £4,400.
130. This savannah covered huge areas as the great forests of 15 million years ago decreased following global changes in climate.
131. In 15 of the 37 cases, strong stemming decreased precision, but the cross-referencing was never detrimental.
132. Rainfall in the Sahel has decreased by around 30 percent.
133. Histamine secretion was decreased about sixfold in all groups at day 7 compared with day 3.
134. The rebleeding rate was high, however,[] and this could be decreased with pure alcohol injection after the epinephrine injection.
135. In limited accommodation, privacy for the parents may be decreased.
136. Internally the value of the rouble decreased seventy-two times with regard to goods during 1922.
137. Supplementary dietary phosphate decreased the fatty acid concentration only on the low calcium diet.
138. The subsequent path it takes will depend on whether the A V increased or decreased the velocity.
139. Their use decreased slightly in September, to 149 reported instances.
140. Both schizophrenia and mood disorders show evidence of decreased activity in frontal lobes and abnormal function of the system for directed attention.
141. However as the number of jobs in Vickers decreased the area underwent serious urban decay.
142. If vitamin D deficiency is secondary to decreased availability, 400 units vitamin D2 per day is the suggested daily replacement.
143. These results prove that the method is effective and the time needed for common titrations is significantly decreased.
144. Thus, the incidence of spina bifida decreased most dramatically when folic acid was not widely purchased.
145. Decreased peptic activity was present not only in the antral mucosa but also in the less affected mucosa of the gastric body.
146. It would mark the first time in at least 15 years that the cost of attending public colleges in Massachusetts has decreased.
147. If the rise in unemployment has mercifully decreased, the pressure on wage restraints will have lessened.
148. This caution can not be overstated in light of the decreased glomerular filtration often present in chronic liver failure.
149. The mechanism is thought to be decreased cardiac venous return associated with the Valsalva maneuver.
150. The number of crimes reported in the New York City area has decreased dramatically over the last ten years.
More similar words: decreasedecreasingincreaseddeceasedcreasegreasedincreaseincrease indecreedecreeddecrepitdecrementdecree nisidecrescenteaseddeceasedecrepitudeteasedpleasedice creamre-createice-creamrecreanticecreamrecreatediseasedreleasedface creamgreaserecreation
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