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Cranny in a sentence

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Sentence count:50Posted:2017-05-26Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: nook and crannygrannytyrannycannynannyuncannyfanny packper annumMeaning: ['krænɪ]  n. 1. a long narrow depression in a surface 2. a small opening or crevice (especially in a rock face or wall). 
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31. I had searched every nook and cranny but could not find the missing gold ring.
32. According to Electron probe analysis, the secondary color is formed because of the iron compounds in the cranny and clearance of jadeite.
33. Use method of reseau pattern plate to produce the net of cliff body cranny that has minute of shape structure.
34. Blessings abound in every nook and cranny , especially in YOUR nook and in YOUR cranny!
35. The molten lava got into every nook and cranny on its downward path.
36. Thin rock strata of roof fall by full thick, procreant cranny reach the earth's surface and have clearly sidesteppedsubsidence.
37. The groundwater in Qian an County includes the pore phreatic water, the pore confined water of the Quaternary period and up Tertiary cranny pore confined water.
38. Every nook and cranny on the familiar road and in my room.
39. She knows every nook and cranny in and around Cairo — no easy feat.
40. This paper describes the batch stress failure with cranny, and puts forward the failure cause by analysis[], then proposes the countermeasures to increase tenacity and to eliminate stress.
41. Macroscopic observation : enamel has been removed in the course of decalcification . The surface of dentin is with cranny and formation of cavity.
42. The Lotus - flower cavity grotto was founded in Northern - Wei dynasty. For a long time, it had been corroded badly because of its dissolubility and the incision of cranny.
43. During mining, the stress behaviors of workface are very obvious. Thin rock strata of roof fall by full thick, procreant cranny reach the earth's surface and have clearly sidestepped subsidence.
44. RESULTS: After the removing , cavity was abnormal , with cranny, cirrhosis dentin,[] and small smear layers.
45. There are many reasons of reservoir - induced earthquake, most of them are finally associated with mass cranny.
46. Every nook and cranny of the house stuffed with souvenirs of their trips to other countries.
47. According to Electron probe analysis , the secondary color cranny and clearance of jadeite.
48. Tangshan city is the typical karst - cranny developing area in Huabei region which is shallowly covered up.
49. I've looked in every nook and cranny and I cannot find my gold pen.
50. I've searched every nook and cranny but can't find the button I lost.
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