Synonym: biscuit, cooky. Similar words: look in, look into, cooperate, cooperative, coordinate, coordinator, cooperate with, look. Meaning: ['kʊkɪ] n. 1. any of various small flat sweet cakes (`biscuit' is the British term) 2. the cook on a ranch or at a camp 3. a short line of text that a web site puts on your computer's hard drive when you access the web site.
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181, the spinach and mushroom version is folded like a fortune cookie.
182, For a mere 99 cents, treat your refined palette to some deep-fried Oreo cookies, and taste what happens when a sandwich creme cookie drowns in oil.
183, This small bakery has since developed into today's modern processing plant – the largest butter cookie bakery in the world.
184, For instance the cookie, the gingerbread man, the gingerbread woman or whichever one of the cookies you want to introduce first and focus just on getting that cookie to dance.
185, Nothing beats a good peanut butter cookie, and it's easy to make them perfectly every time.
186, Forms authentication not only writes the user's name into the cookie, it adds a message authentication code (a hash formed from the cookie and a secret value that only the Web server knows).
187, It was a thin strip of paper form a fortune cookie.
188, Drop mixture by rounded teaspoons 2 inches apart onto th prepared cookie sheet.
189, Your cookie data, with the personally identifiable information deleted, is a material asset.
190, If they don't get caught, they are happy, but if their parents catch them with a hand in the cookie jar, they get into trouble.
191, The script and earlier iteration of this episode had this as the "Jedi Fortune Cookie" message at the start of the episode: "Great leadership comes in all sizes. "
192, For each cookie, drop 1/4 cup dough onto ungreased baking sheets, spacing 3 inches apart.
193, We don't have cookie cutter programs that we will force you into so we can fill inventory.
194, The cookie made a great potato salad the other day.
195, Many(, many track translations are posted with the permission of Verthandi at Cantarella Cookie.
196, The Internet Cookie Report page of the Security Space Web site offers some frequency analysis through associating the cookie names with the server that issues them.
197, The first thing you probably want to accomplish or at least one thing that seems easy is find the graphic of the cookie sheet that you happen to want for this project.
198, My fortune cookie says " Someday you'll be making cheap garbage in sweatshops for 80 cents a day to sale at Chinese Wal-Marts."
199, As any parent can tell you, the fruit bowl always needs to be easier to reach than the cookie jar.
200, Divide the dough into small pieces with a round cookie cutter.
201, Couldn't you have just had a Red Bull and a sugar cookie?
202, An eavesdropper who steals a forms authentication cookie has stolen the login because due to the way cookies work, there's no way to implement replay detection.
202, is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
203, I'm telling you that she stole it! I caught her with her hand in the cookie jar.
204, One recent creation is constructed out of a cardboard-based crust layered in Oreo cookie crumbs and drizzled with a wax-like substance.
205, YW - PJ Series Cookie Spaying Eggs Machins are the new developing products of our company.
206, That was Nicholas's cue to ask for another chocolate chip cookie.
207, Usage: We waited patiently for the jello to congeal before cutting it into fun shapes with cookie cutters.
208, The FDA advises that if consumers have any prepackaged, refrigerated Nestle Toll House cookie dough products in their home that they throw them away.
209, He flattened his palm against the door lock, then grabbed a cookie despite his best efforts not to and stepped into the recreation room.
210, One way of viewing the American Social Security Trust fund is as a massive cookie jar filled with IOUs.
More similar words: look in, look into, cooperate, cooperative, coordinate, coordinator, cooperate with, look, book, hook, look out, look up, look on, look for, look to, look at, book for, notebook, look over, textbook, overlook, look down on, look back, look after, look through, look forward to.