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Conjure up in a sentence

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Sentence count:46+5 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2017-03-25Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: conjureconjuringconjurationinjureinjuredconjugalconjugateconjunctionMeaning: v. summon into action or bring into existence, often as if by magic. 
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1. How am I expected to conjure up a meal for six of his friends with almost nothing in the fridge?
2. I can't simply conjure up the money out of thin air.
3. When we think of adventurers, many of us conjure up images of larger-than-life characters trekking to the North Pole.
4. What does the word "feminist" conjure up for you?
5. Somehow we have to conjure up another $10,000.
6. Unfortunately, I can't just conjure up the money out of thin air!
7. Dieting always seems to conjure up images of endless salads.
8. He strained to conjure up her face and voice, but they had vanished.
9. I cannot but conjure up the memories of the good old days.
10. For some people, the word 'England' may still conjure up images of pretty gardens and tea parties.
11. It is the business of a novelist to conjure up into existence the world of imagination.
12. Dieting always seems to conjure up images of endless cottage cheese salads.
13. The woman practising witchcraft claimed that she could conjure up the spirits of the dead.
14. Can you conjure up a picture of the imperial life in ancient Egypt?
15. Does it conjure up some primal urge from within?
16. What does that word conjure up for you?
17. Staring at his back, she tried to conjure up the image of him lover-like, tender,[] and failed.
18. He tried to conjure up an image of Henry Dark, but nothing came to him.
19. Homeworking / teleworking Homeworking used to conjure up images of hard-pressed workers licking envelopes or schoolwork that we never wanted to do.
20. It was during the night that she would conjure up this picture of herself; in the daytime she was practical.
21. Silly me, I have begun to conjure up an image of Newt Gingrich as a man more used than using.
22. After using the relaxation exercise you then conjure up a positive emotional experience.
23. The first cassation seems to conjure up the beauty of music in a summer garden at night.
24. Relaxed by sleep, he allowed his mind to conjure up the big house on the boulevard du Cange.
24. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
25. Do they conjure up the impression that children are engaged in some form of pre-Victorian drudgery at school?
26. The mere mention of the words "heart failure", can conjure up, to the layman, the prospect of imminent death.
27. This is partly because the word itself tends to conjure up the picture of performing some type of vigorous sport.
28. His design had to reveal the pattern and phrasing of the dream world he wished to conjure up.
29. Stephen told me she was distressed when he died ... and now I think somebody is trying to conjure up the dead.
30. The trick is to use the person's name to conjure up a picture in your mind.
More similar words: conjureconjuringconjurationinjureinjuredconjugalconjugateconjunctionmeasure upmeasure up toconjectureinjuryflare upfire upthereuponsquare upadd insult to injuryde jureabjureconjoinconfigurereunionjuryreusablejurorperjuryinjusticeinjunctionschadenfreudefreudian slip
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