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Buddha in a sentence

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Sentence count:206+3Posted:2017-09-19Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: buddhistbuddhismsiddharthabuddybuddedbuddingbuddy systemfuddy-duddyMeaning: ['buːdə /'bʊd-]  n. 1. founder of Buddhism; worshipped as a god (c 563-483 BC) 2. one who has achieved a state of perfect enlightenment. 
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(121) Dali is a picturesque Buddha center on the earth, a human fairyland with best living environment and an Elysian full of sunshine of harmony.
(122) There are many references to stupas for the Buddha and arahats throughout the entire Mahayana literature.
(123) Small Ni a pair of eyes Be bad to ruthlessly stare her, emulate the blazing flame that the Buddha has spurt black iciness therein burnable.
(124) He ordered to cast more Buddha statues interruptedly in the temple.
(125) On the Buddha patterns, gestures, backlight pattern identification, like a relic of the Liao ago.
(126) In any cosmic epoch, a Buddha is that being who first breaks through the dark mass of ignorance encompassing the world and rediscovers the lost path to Nibbana, the cessation of suffering.
(127) I never had seen so big rain Yufang Buddha should wipe water alley evil spirit.
(128) Maitreya Bodhisattva will be the successor of the historic Sakyamuni Buddha.
(129) "Great Independence King Buddha! " When I took the phone call that time, I heard Laywoman Huang say: "Master Li, you certainly must help me! "
(130) Sometimes, such paintings depict not only Buddha but Hindu deities such as Shiva, Ganesha and Surya.
(131) Only a short moment, that snake-like in shape white spirit imitates a Buddha to bear great pressure, supports not to live a body form and collapses to spread out.
(132) The three numbers refer to various attributes of the Buddha, his teachings and the monkhood.
(133) He wore a gold Buddha around his neck and cherished a mother-of-pearl statue of the Buddha given to him by his grandfather.
(134) One day, the dragonet runs into a man to rescue a woman and the hoodlum attacks brutally, thought that on this person of body has the Buddha reason, then goes forward with its acquaintance.
(135) Burning incense is a kind of offering , expressing gratitude and veneration to the Buddha.
(136) The larger Buddha was painted carmine red and the smaller one was multicolored , Mr. Melzl said.
(137) Kawa Karpo is believed to represent the mind emanation of Buddha.
(138) Well, previously Shakyamuni Buddha made a prediction that from the Twenty-eighth Patriarch on, the Great Vehicle teaching should go to China.
(139) Magic is not the result of primitive Buddhism, while derives from Brahmanism, which is forbidden in the time of Buddha.
(140) Northern Wei sculpture:Chinese sculpture, dominated by simple images of the Buddha, dating from the era of the Northern Wei dynasty (AD 386-534/535).
(141) Ushnisha, the Enlightenment Elevation above the fontanelle; is the flame-topped elevation on the head of the Buddha, defined as that which emerges from the head of a Fully Enlightened One.
(142) If you encounter an enemy with AK only the Buddha.
(143) Enclosed space consists of some internal functions such as the Grand Buddha Hall, Monks Dorm, Praying Hall, Meditation Hall and the Depositary of Buddhist Texts and so on.
(144) Big Buddha Temple is located near the Hanging Gardens of Babylon is an architecture, a unique shape.
(145) Awe - inspiring inside the hall is the fresco titled Five Hundred Arhats Worshiping Vairocana Buddha.
(146) For disillusioning this misconception from many people's mind, we should make people understand what actually Buddha is and what Buddhism is.
(146) try its best to collect and create good sentences.
(147) Under the Linden Tree, Buddha sat up in the middle and appeared calm.
(148) All Buddha also uses 24 K gold foil gold, bright golden light, solemn - hui anxiety.
(149) For the last three years, I have studied the ancient teachings of Buddha, earning two black belts in Wu Shu martial arts, spending every afternoon in the Hong Kong Massage parlor.
(150) The dragonet then with a mountain colleague, escorts the Buddha head, on the road they runs into has been rescued by a mountain the young girl slightly to proclaim, three person of colleagues.
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  • Grace 2023-02-28 14:55:10
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