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Blasted in a sentence

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Sentence count:162+12Posted:2017-08-23Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: osteoblastblastplaster castblast offsandblastblastingplasterplasteredMeaning: [blɑːst]  adj. expletives used informally as intensifiers. 
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121 The volley gun is burst apart and its crew blasted to pieces.
122 And he blasted the media for slanting the coverage against Simpson to prolong the story.
123 At an earlier hearing police said Griffin blasted Lynn's car with a. 44 Magnum after she broke up their affair.
124 He blasted it and it went in a straight line from his foot to the top right hand corner.
125 Mad machines gibbered, cackled, screeched insanely and blasted each other with sudden bursts of machine gun fire.
126 Environmental groups blasted the plan for more logging in the area.
127 Now, perhaps, the bombshell that blasted Dole and his campaign out of the doldrums will blast the Republicans into unity.
128 The music blasted through the closed door and protective walls like a hounding monster.
129 While he was still fumbling four more of the shrieks blasted out of the ether; then there was a merciful silence.
130 The plane turned at the far end of the runway[], then blasted off to the west.
131 What a ruddy nightmare the whole blasted show is, he thought.
132 Unfortunately for the visitors assistant manager Jim Duffy blasted the resultant spot kick over the bar.
133 The shelf had been literally blasted out of the mountain with black powder.
134 League general secretary Ron Bridges has blasted clubs who try to create a web of deception after being caught cheating.
135 Later orbiters blasted off to trip hop tunes for after-hours dancing.
136 One of the gunmen blasted Keith Thompson, 42, at point-blank range, police said last night.
137 Mr Glen said the bypass would have to be blasted out of solid rock.
138 But Jimenez blasted a best-of-the-week 63 for a two-stroke lead going into the final day at Crans-Sur-Sierre.
139 After all, my reputation is in all likelihood blasted in any event.
140 Columbia blasted off Thursday on a planned 17-day flight, the longest ever for a shuttle.
141 Clothes, newspapers and nameless rubbish littered the floor and over everything a radio blasted away at fall strength.
142 Big deal, I can still find my way around this blasted place.
143 I couldn't get that blasted door open.
144 The explosion blasted the hill - top off.
145 Some were blasted and split as if by lightning.
146 His biting words at the meeting blasted his reputation.
147 The apparent reason for this is that the surface is so porous that an impacting space rock causes little ejecta , material blasted out of the collision site and is scattered all around.
148 Lehmann's been warned by Germany he needs to be playing if he's to go to Euro 2008 and last week he blasted Wenger for "humiliating" him and threatened to spill the beans on their bust-up .
149 Blue room has not only taken away the tassels glass chandelier, a Julie saw it, blasted off to a pendant, the cook not to restrain from crying.
150 He also blasted the defense's star witness and says Prop. 8 "fails to advance any rational basis in singling out gay men and lesbians for denial of a marriage license."
More similar words: osteoblastblastplaster castblast offsandblastblastingplasterplasteredwastedpastedplasterboardroastedtoastedadhesive plasterbroadcastedcastellatedflabbergastedlast but not leastblasepast mastercaste systemblasphemyblasphemeblasphemouslastballastlastlyat lastlast outoutlast
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