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Home > Beggar-my-neighbour in a sentence

Beggar-my-neighbour in a sentence

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Sentence count:7Posted:2024-06-16Updated:2024-06-16
Similar words: neighbourneighbourlyneighbouringneighbourhoodneighbourlinessneighborneighborlyneighboringMeaning: n. a card game for two players in which the object is to win all of the other player's cards. 
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1) In a deep recession, this is a "beggar-my-neighbour" policy.
2) The beggar-my-neighbour policy is for countries with huge external surpluses to allow a collapse in domestic demand.
3) In Europe governments have casually played beggar-my-neighbour politics, with countries launching deposit-guarantee schemes that destabilize banks elsewhere.
4) In Europe governments have casually played beggar-my-neighbour politics, with countries launching deposit - guarantee schemes that destabilise banks elsewhere.
5) Probably the best we can hope for is that they will avoid the beggar-my-neighbour economic nationalism of the 1930s.
6) Some argue that an attempt by countries with external deficits to promote export-led growth, via exchange-rate depreciation, is a beggar-my-neighbour policy.
7) Mr Wilhelm is inviting everybody to join a zero-sum world of beggar-my-neighbour policies in which every country tries to grab market share from the rest.
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