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Appeal in a sentence

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Sentence count:195+48Posted:2016-07-16Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: begentreatimplorepleadSimilar words: appeal toappeardisappearhappenhappen toupperpepperpeakMeaning: [ə'piːl]  n. 1. earnest or urgent request 2. attractiveness that interests or pleases or stimulates 3. (law) a legal proceeding in which the appellant resorts to a higher court for the purpose of obtaining a review of a lower court decision and a reversal of the lower court's judgment or the granting of a new trial 4. request for a sum of money. v. 1. take a court case to a higher court for review 2. request earnestly (something from somebody); ask for aid or protection 3. be attractive to 4. challenge (a decision) 5. cite as an authority; resort to. 
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91. The prospect of camping didn't appeal to me.
92. The new fashion soon lost its appeal.
93. Heath's appeal against the sentence was later successful.
94. The case was referred to the Court of Appeal.
95. His appeal was upheld and he was released immediately.
96. The Beatles have never really lost their appeal.
97. They made an emotional appeal for help.
98. Police renewed their appeal for witnesses.
99. Her eyes held a look of silent appeal.
100. The party needs to appeal to a broader constituency.
101. His designs have a strong visual appeal.
102. I had heard an appeal could take years.
103. When my appeal went out,( several stepped forward.
104. Convicted criminals have no automatic right of appeal.
105. They've introduced all sorts of new elements to that programme in order to broaden its appeal.
106. Millions of people gave freely in response to the famine appeal.
107. An appeal has been launched to build a lasting memorial to the composer.
108. The radio operator sent an appeal for help to headquarters.
109. The campaign has been gaining momentum ever since the television appeal.
110. They made a direct appeal to the government for funding.
111. Films of that sort have lost their appeal for children.
112. The two disputing countries decided not to appeal to arms.
113. The residents hope that an appeal to reason will end the rioting.
114. Does the idea of working for a venture company appeal to you?
115. We made an appeal to the villagers for money to build the bridge.
116. He said he would appeal after being found guilty on four counts of murder.
117. The public's response to the crisis appeal was generous and compassionate.
118. The Act contains detailed provisions for appeal against the court's decision.
119. The Court of Appeal has a pivotal role in the English legal system.
120. His avant-garde music, sometime cousin to jazz, had limited appeal.
More similar words: appeal toappeardisappearhappenhappen toupperpepperpeakspeakrealsealhealpeanutrealmreallypeasantspeak forspeak upspeakerat peacedeal inhealthdealerwealthdeal outEuropeanappleapplyhappyrealize
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