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Algae in a sentence

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Sentence count:296+2Posted:2017-01-23Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: reggaepromulgatehidalgonostalgiafederal governmentMeaning: ['ælgə]  n. primitive chlorophyll-containing mainly aquatic eukaryotic organisms lacking true stems and roots and leaves. 
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(211) In this article, the phenol-sulfuric acid method combined with caramelization - grating photometer method is used to determine and monitor the content of sugar in algae solution.
(212) Aplanospore A nonmotile spore , characteristic of the pin molds and certain green algae of the phyla Clorophyta and Chrysomonada.
(213) Or they may be algae which colour the sea green, like the carpet of weed in Qingdao that nearly brought the sailing to a halt in last year's Olympic games.
(214) The Great Barrier Reef off the coast of Australia, for instance—the largest biological structure in the world—is simply the accumulation of generation after generation of coral and coralline algae.
(215) Pollution and algae blooms caused by runoff have poisoned China's lakes.
(216) Any of about 30 genera of large seaweeds that make up the order Laminariales (Brown algae), found in colder seas.
(217) Recently, blue algae become more and more important in fishery, biological azotification, environmental protection and the research of classifying system.
(218) A U.S. company, Algae Systems of Carson City, Nev., has already licensed the NASA tech, and plans to deploy its own algae bioreactors somewhere off the coast of Tampa Bay, Florida.
(219) A large scale of green algae hit the sea area of Rizhao over a week ago.
(220) Lichen is a sort of complex life that living in symbiotic relationship with fungi and algae, named by the mycobiont lichen-forming fungi taxonomically.
(221) Air-inlet grille: is made by adopting corrosion resistance PVC, and the double channel design can prevent and reduce a part of the algae forming within the machine set.
(222) Blue-green algae is a form of aquatic plant that occurs naturally in rivers and lakes.
(223) The characterization of photobiological hydrogen production for four marine green algae by sulfur-deprived and treated with uncoupler after dark anaerobic incubation was investigated.
(224) These are single-celled algae which seem to absorb almost all of the extra carbon dioxide captured when the ocean is fertilised with iron.
(225) Microcystins are common hepatotoxic cyclic toxins released from blue and green algae and they may have hazards on animal and human health.
(226) These materials cause an overgrowth of algae and further deterioration, including oxygen depletion.
(227) The bear pauses on a patch of rockweed algae to sniff the air.
(228) They can eat weeds and small organisms,[Sentencedict] like plankton and algae.
(229) Algae microorganisms in the water, over populate because the surplus nitrogen.
(230) Chemists can take these TAGs and readily convert them into transportation fuels. Better yet, the fat-extracted algae can be dried down and fed to chickens.
(231) The stock assessment of the Algae and the evaluation of water quality of Hengshui Lake National Nature Reserve are presented.
(232) These larger parrotfish are fantastic grazers , making the algae cover fourfold less inside the park than outside the reserve.
(233) Colored deep red by algae adapted to survive in its hypersaline waters, this lake in the Ubari Sand Sea is fed by springs from an underground aquifer created by ancient rains.
(234) Even toothpaste and ice cream depend on the gel - forming properties of brown algae.
(235) It may be unicellular, as in simple algae and fungi, or multicellular, as in plants.
(236) Any of the numerous algae of the division Chlorophyta, such as spirogyra and sea lettuce, that have chlorophyll unmasked by other pigments.
(237) During summer control of slime and algae may be required.
(238) Among 25 detected algae genera, Syne-chococcus and Chlorella were the dominant algae genera, as well as Chlorococcum, Scenedesmus, Oscillatoria anacystis and Naicula were commonly detectable genera.
(239) As a result, the strong reproductive capacity of floating green tide algae Ulva prolifera might be the main reason of green tide occurrence.
(240) The scales also discourage barnacles and algae from glomming on – an inspiration for synthetic coatings that may soon be applied to Navy ship hulls to reduce such biofouling.
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