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Algae in a sentence

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Sentence count:296+2Posted:2017-01-23Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: reggaepromulgatehidalgonostalgiafederal governmentMeaning: ['ælgə]  n. primitive chlorophyll-containing mainly aquatic eukaryotic organisms lacking true stems and roots and leaves. 
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(181) We will be trying out these different approaches ... using newly-discovered natural algae to test the best approaches we can come up with to go into a scale-up mode.
(182) Corresponding source materials were algae, desMonollinite related to terrigenous plant, the soluble asphaltene and non-hydrocarbon organic matter preserved in gypSolyte environment.
(183) A method of extracting several pigments in blue-green algae of Taihu Lake including Chlorophyll, Carotenoids, Phycocyain, Oscillaxanthin and Myxoxanthophyll is introduced.
(184) We research water pollution by determine adherent algae, and provide basis to control water pollution.
(185) Ingredients: Be from natural plant essence and combine Australia wild yam, soybean essence , pacific ocean brown algae and barley essence.
(186) Minerals, algae, and cyanobacteria give this geyser in Nevada's Black Rock Desert its brilliant colors.
(187) The light quantum yield of algae particles is one of the important parameters characterizing the algae response to the environmental factors.
(188) Fertilizer-laden runoff triggers explosive planktonic algae growth in coastal areas.
(189) The chiton's pinkbackground camouflages it from predators as it feeds on coralline algae.
(190) Any of the Brown algae that make up the genus Sargassum.
(191) Sterilization is the anti-fouling out algae and silt filtering the ideal equipment, the effect significantly.
(192) Therefore, it is essential to adopt scientific approaches to remove planktonic algae, which mainly include physical removal, chemical removal and biological removal.
(193) Only the thick blob of blue-green algae will thrive in low phosphate environment, and so over time this species tends to dominate these stable systems.
(194) Scientists are experimenting with photosynthetic microbes such as algae and cyanobacteria (sometimes referred to as blue-green algae).
(195) Now we will create an algae and amoeba in the ocean that will do the same.
(196) This paper puts forward another new approach of algae classifying and counting based on digital microimage processing and analysis. As a result, it is proved to be effective.
(197) The effects of frequency and magnetic strength on the cell viability and growth of blue-green algae Anabaena flos- aquae by pulsed electric magnetic field were studied.
(198) Antarctic krill, such as this specimen in the Weddell Sea with a stomach full of yellow algae, are a critical link in the ocean food web.
(199) Chinese state media say blue-green algae has appeared in another eastern Chinese lake, one week after a similar situation in a neighboring province.
(200) The local dragon, a marine iguana, grazes on green algae.
(201) The removal of algae in eutrophic water body by OH was studied.
(202) This peper expounds the dynamic problem of biogeography in remote sensing of oceanic primary productivity based on the analysis of submarine light spectral response of algae photosynthesis.
(203) Algae range in size from single-celled organisms to giant kelp plants. Some live near the surface of the ocean, and these algae need nitrogen to grow.
(204) Part of its appeal is the buffet of blue-green algae, diatoms, insects and small fish in the surrounding artificial lake and wetlands.
(205) Chlorophyll, Milk Protein, Algae Extract, Aloe Vera, Wheat Protein, Yarrow Flowers Extract, Orange Peel Extract.
(206) Heroic efforts to remove toxic algae blooms rowing course do not amount to a new environmentalism.
(207) Analysis of the fossil associations of dasycladalean algae in the Middle and Upper Triassic of Croatia is given with the emphasis on the stratigraphical ranges of particular species and associations.
(208) Methods Selective isolation of algicolous fungi from algae was done, and antitumor activity corresponds to their lethiferous effect on brine shrimp and cytotoxicity against K562 cell was determined.
(209) Any of about 30 genera of large seaweeds that make up the order Laminariales (brown algae), found in colder seas.
(210) Under the same experiment conditions, the algae removal rate of Phosphonium salt modified montmorillonite is better than quaternary modified montmorillonite.
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