Similar words: punctuality, contractual liability, spirituality, actual, factual, actually, quality, equality. Meaning: [‚æktʃʊ'ælətɪ]
n. the state of actually existing objectively.
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(1) A trip to the moon is now an actuality.
(2) In actuality, Teddie did not have a disorder but merely a difficult temperament.
(3) It exists in dreams rather than actuality.
(4) In actuality, there were few job losses last year.
(5) The building looked as impressive in actuality as it did in photographs.
(6) In actuality , it's much more complex than that .
(7) This " big company " in actuality is only a small shop.
(8) But in actuality, disambiguation is not unprincipled and random; rather, it is usually quite predictable.
(9) It is a necessarily existing source of all actuality, which actualises a subset of possibilities by a contingent act of will.
(10) We suffer more in anticipation than in actuality, and this came true for me.
(11) The terror, if not the actuality, of the disease has survived into our own time.
(12) Jane thinks that they will probably marry in actuality but that he can not love the vain, shallow woman.
(13) In actuality, cheese making is preservation of a food by dehydration.
(14) In actuality, volume is regulated by altering body sodium content.
(15) This was the actuality of the pretty designs so liberally provided by the cottage enthusiasts of the time.
(16) Their Walkpersons are in actuality radar sensors cleverly disguised, I theorize.
(17) The mismatch of intent and actuality is just how life works.
(18) Actuality study of road freightage.
(19) The SLS technology actuality in and abroad is analyzed.
(20) They talk about detente(, but in actuality they are engaged in intense rivalry.
(21) But despite the desire, most people still find it frustrating to turn their ideas into actuality.
(22) De Graaff commuted the sentence to two years, and in actuality Sukarno was released on 15 December 1931.
(23) Many nations great and small, even continents, are in actuality thus godless.
(24) It all seemed a thousand miles from the nearest town, though in actuality it might be only five or six.
(25) Although difficult in established businesses, an alternative is to re-create customer expectations rather than change the actuality.
(26) I lived it twice now, once in anticipation, once in actuality.
(27) The adventure which we set ourselves was this: to try and experience myth and actuality in the same breath.
(28) Yet it is clear that something akin to what Kazantzakis depicts must have occurred in actuality.
(29) You should not confuse the 33 illusion of motion with its actuality.
(30) For Sontag, the fact that a photograph exists testifies to the actuality of how something, some one or somewhere once appeared.
More similar words: punctuality, contractual liability, spirituality, actual, factual, actually, quality, equality, sexuality, inequality, sensuality, quality of life, individuality, quality control, quality standards, punctual, actuary, actuate, ineffectual, intellectual, ineffectually, intellectually, mutualism, ritualistic, virtual image, conceptualise, perpetual inventory, qualitative, reality, qualitatively.