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Acid-proof in a sentence

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Sentence count:9Posted:2024-05-11Updated:2024-05-11
Similar words: acidproofskid-proofacid precipitationwindproofchildproofsoundproofchild-proofacid plant
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1. AGM should be acid-proof and elastic.
2. Acid resist An acid-proof protective coating applied to metal plates prior to etching designs thereon.
3. Colourful diversity, fire prevention, moistureproof, oil resistant corrupt, acid-proof alkaline , high temperature resistant, yi Qing manages.
4. The research progress and application of the acid-proof treatment of calcium carbonate and abroad are reviewed.
5. Culture stone is bibulous rate is low, acid-proof, not easy and efflorescent, sound-absorbing the effect is good, adornment sex is very strong, basically use at sitting room adornment.
6. When a car is scrapped, the battery should be consigned to an acid-proof container.
7. Our main products are reduced iron powder products, reduced iron powder, fire clay pot , Metal Sr, fire clay bricks, high-alumina bricks, acid-proof bricks, other unshaped refractory materials.
8. Scagliola sanitation clean has beautiful and easy, strength tall, density is small, acid-proof alkaline, anti - corrosive etc.
9. A kind of multi-functional polyurethane adhesive, polyurethane products. Create sling, hook, rope, glass, various spreaders sling is working face, acid-proof, protect face mill.
More similar words: acidproofskid-proofacid precipitationwindproofchildproofsoundproofchild-proofacid plantquid pro quohybrid processmastoid processstyloid processsolid propellantcoronoid processodontoid processrapid prototypingproofprooferreproofhip roofproofedairproofair-proofproofingballproofdisprooffire-proofmothproofdust-proofdampproof
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