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UWA in a sentence

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Sentence count:6Posted:2024-07-03Updated:2024-07-03
Similar words: kuwaitthruwaykuwaitikuwait city
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1. Booking Booking Uwa Elderson receives a caution.
2. Uwa Elderson restarts play with the free kick.
3. Outswinging corner taken by Uwa Elderson, clearance made by Danny Welbeck.
4. A process that maps a record name to its physical location in the userworkarea(UWA)and notifies the DBCS(Database Control System)of the run unit's intention to use the database.
5. Rafael Da Silva fouled by Uwa Elderson, the ref awards a free kick.
6. The ball is delivered by Wayne Rooney, Uwa Elderson makes a clearance.
More similar words: kuwaitthruwaykuwaitikuwait city
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