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Tonka in a sentence

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Sentence count:14Posted:2024-04-15Updated:2024-04-15
Similar words: tonka beanskeleton keybonkmonkwonkhonkconktanka
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1. The rise in the Tonka bond was helped by a takeover bid from another toymaker, Hasbro.
2. Low notes: grapefruit wood, sandalwood, musk, tonka bean.
3. She then spices the mixture with tonka beans, the fragrant seeds of a a South American tree.
4. Tonka is famous for using standard colors on its toys,[] mostly school bus yellow.
5. Application: It can be tonka bean and vanillin alternatives for the deployment of the tobacco flavor, improve texture and improve quality.
6. Overview: The Division tonka bean tincture produced mainly imports of Brazilian tonka bean, obtained by ethanol extraction tonka bean tincture.
7. Tonka bean, musk and vanilla surround a heart of iris, adding warmth and sophistication.
8. There were dinosaurs painted in lurid green and red, and two big yellow Tonka trucks.
9. Base notes are composed of dewy musk, vanilla, vetiver, and tonka bean.
10. Wormwood, Bergamot , Cardamom , Lavender , Orange Blossom , Cinnamon, Cumin , Wood, Musk, Amber , Vanilla , Tonka Bean.
11. These include citral, found in lemon and tangerine oils; coumarin, found in tonka beans; and eugenol, a component of rose oil.
12. Scent: Calming essential oil blend of lavender and rosewood , tonka, chamomile, vanilla and violet leaf.
13. A fragrant crystalline compound, C9H6O2, extracted from several plants, such as tonka beans and sweet clover, or produced synthetically and widely used in perfumes.
14. Perfume Notes: top: pink peppercorn, mandarin essence; heart: osmanthus absolute, rose leaves, honey; base: Indonesian patchouli, cistus (vegetal amber), benzoin, tonka.
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