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RMA in a sentence

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Sentence count:21Posted:2018-10-01Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: normashermanformathermandermaformalburmathermal
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1. To investigate the effect of treating non-invasive fungous sinusitis by functional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS) or radical maxillary antrotomy (RMA).
2. The paper gives out an effective calculating method RMA, which changes an arbitrary non-directed graph into a R-side connected graph with minimum enhancement.
3. And as I said before, the RMA ef forts , including not only experimentation but also science and technology development is a very important part of the Prepare Now.
4. The business user then uses an RMA (explained next) to edit these values according to their business requirements.
4. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
5. All kinds of technology and theories from RMA make America get its strategic purpose by less cost , less accessional lesion and more strategic lightness.
6. The rules developer usually creates the RMA pages, but the architect can and should enforce a simple approach to designing the look and feel of the user interface (UI).
7. The real technology template for the RMA has much less to do with advanced platforms than with the things that they carry.
8. This interface is the same RMA created in rules authoring that the business users use to manage and update rules.
9. Test on the actual SAR images shows that the gray transform algorithm based on radiometric multiresolution analysis (RMA) is the best.
10. Accepted would mean that we received the item back from customer and have accepted it so the customer is not charged for their RMA and the credit card authorization expires.
11. You said that information operations are the most important part of RMA , and can you explain this more fully?
12. What is the reason for the encouragement of the discussion of RMA in the USA?
13. As you can see, all three components—the IDE, the RMA, and the rules engine—are using a common rules repository.
14. It was written at a time when nobody had tried to be specific about what were the real changes that the American RMA implied.
15. But the testing method and mode of proving ground of PLA can' t be seasoned with the demand of new RMA.
16. Create rules—The rules architect must then create the rules using RMA.
17. Is the United States at the beginning. middle, or end of an RMA?
18. MR. GARNER: I know you've talked to Dr. Marshall and others on RMA.
19. The next process will be what happens between 2010 and 2025 or 2030. That will be the RMA and that will be the physical change in the Army.
20. After the business users have created their rules in RMA, the next step is to deploy them along with your existing application, which is explained next.
21. As Figure 1 shows, IT personnel create the templates using the BRM integrated development environment (IDE) tool, and business users use these templates to write rules from the RMA.
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