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OSI in a sentence

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Sentence count:53Posted:2018-08-02Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: hemosiderosispositeosinosierrosinosirismiosislosing
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31) A primary objective of the OSI reference model is to accelerate the development of future networking products.
32) The terms datagram, frame, message, and packet are also used to describe logical information groupings at various layers of the OSI reference model and in various technology circles.
33) The OSI reference model is a framework that is used to understand how information travels throughout a network.
34) Ethernet bridging occurs in the data - link layer of the OSI model.
35) However, OSI reference model, to some extent, has not been applied widely, which makes it necessary to implement X. 400 email system under the environment of heterogeneous network.
36) At which layer of the OSI model is the optimal path to a network destination determined at?
37) Message Handling System(MHS) is in the highest lay-er of the Basic Reference Model of OSI.
38) Taking OSI FTAM (File Transfer, Access and Management) service as a case study, this paper explained at length the concepts, tools and standards established for the semantics transfer in OSI context.
39) Neuron Chip supports the former six layers of ISO/OSI model. So users only need support the APP's programme and configuration.
40) By implementing TP4 over connectionless network protocol IP, and then constructing OSI high layer protocol over it, an OSI research and development environment is provided.
41) Now, as the rapid development of civil aviation, the deficiency of Aeronautical Telecommunication Network (ATN) based on the Open System Interconnection (OSI) model, becomes more and more obvious.
42) WAN technologies function at the lower three layers of the OSI reference model.
43) Like networking media, repeaters are networking devices that exist at layer 1, the physical layer, of the OSI reference model.
44) WANs use the OSI reference model, but focus mainly on Layer 1 and Layer 2.
45) An ITU standard for packet-switching networks. It specifies network protocols of the layers 1, 2, and 3 in the OSI Reference Model.
46) Which layer of the OSI model can provide a connection-oriented, reliable data transfer between two hosts?
47) This implies the proper transfer of the application semantics between these systems, which is an ill-understood area within OSI.
48) In the OSI, gateway has two kinds: one kind is connection-oriented gateway, a connectionless gateway.
49) But a cancer-fighting compound was given back to OSI, the company that developed it.
50) Before that, the restaurant group was publicly traded as OSI Restaurant Partners.
51) In this paper, we describe a selection and implementation of the functions of CLNP for OSI interconnection to implement a gateway.
52) Set of related communication protocols that operate together and, as a group, address communication at some or all of the seven layers of the OSI reference model.
53) Do you renumber one 'sly think we killed Osi ama Bin Laden in this rimprove?
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