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Kate in a sentence

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Sentence count:231+11Posted:2018-03-05Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: skateskaterice-skateice skateskate overskateboardcheapskatein-line skate
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211. As Kate was terrified of rejection, she never had an honest relationship with a lover.
212. Kate decides that he must court her, so that he may inherit her money.
213. Chapter Fourteen Kate slammed into her house, banging the front door behind her.
214. The wetness of his tongue as it slipped over them made Kate arch her back with delight.
215. She had merely telephoned to let him know that she would be handing over to a girl called Kate.
216. One of them tugged the camel reins away from Kate and she found herself looking into the muzzle of a submachine gun.
217. Kate wasn't surprised; yesterday must have taken its toll even though he was superlatively fit.
218. Kate is obviously eating her heart out for a colour changer and an intarsia carriage.
219. Kate Shamon a 27-year-old special events coordinator, is one who recently got swept up in the craze for red.
220. Kate sat in the back next to the luggage[], but Ace had stationed himself in front with the pilot.
221. The next afternoon found Kate lying on a lounger beside a pool in the Algarve.
222. Kate had felt she could not stay in that house a moment longer.
223. Kate could hardly remember what an orange was; like bananas and ice cream, they no longer existed.
224. The press corps weren't at all what Kate had expected.
225. Kate laughed, and sank down again to her seat.
226. KATE MCKENNA : Yes, please. The Herald Tribune.
226. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
227. Kate washed the lettuce and drained it.
228. Kate is wearing a coral necklace.
229. Kate had invited Alan to spend the Passover with her.
230. Kate carried our school banner on the top of a hill.
231. Eurocops was beaten in the ratings on Channel 4 by Kate and Allie, Hill Street Blues and St Elsewhere.
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