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B.A. in a sentence

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Sentence count:44Posted:2018-09-27Updated:2020-07-24
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31. Of the 500 CEOs in question, 174 have M.B.A.s and 59 have law degrees.
32. One of the big surprises to us is that students on Chinese E.M.B.A.s party a lot.
33. "Our fan research shows that people think N.B.A. players complain too much," Jackson said.
34. One challenge facing M.B.A. students is funding: it's getting harder to get student loans in the U.S., where banks, hit by the credit squeeze, are lending less.
35. The basketball court, DeSagana Diop explains, is in Parcelles Assainies, the neighborhood in which he grew up in Dakar and the unlikely starting point for a nine-year N.B.A. career.
36. Students who major in a scientific area receive a bachelor of science degree, known as a B.S. Students in the arts and humanities get a B.A.
37. Another young fellow came and informed me that he was studying for the B.A.,( but could not go up for his examination as he was afflicted with some brain trouble.
38. That decision could affect the N.B.A.'s proceedings and the union's determination whether to decertify.
39. Insead last year set up a joint-venture E.M.B.A. program with Tsinghua University. Students do part of the program at Tsinghua, and part of it at the Singapore campus.
40. But there was no hesitation among students — from undergraduates in computer science to M.B.A. candidates — who were spending much of their lives immersed in Facebook.
41. Despite a generation of men who grew up with Yao and the N.B.A. and who play informally in cities and towns across the country, they are never fully developed.
42. Women dominate today's colleges and professional schools—for every two men who will receive a B.A. this year, three women will do the same.
43. The players union disputes the N.B.A.'s figures and objects to the inclusion of certain costs, like debt service and depreciation, in the loss estimates.
44. Of course, we were wishing him the best, but there is a huge difference between a good American player in the Italian second league and the best in class in the N.B.A.
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