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Ammi in a sentence

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Sentence count:11Posted:2024-07-26Updated:2024-07-26
Similar words: rammingjammiesjamminghammingmammitisSpammingcrammingslamming
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(1) By using the mixed linear and AMMI models, the yield stabilities of wheat genotypes in 2002's and 2003's Sichuan recommendation trials were analyzed.
(2) The younger had a child and named him Ammi and he is the father of the Ammonites.
(3) Certain Necromancers of Ammi - saduqa have made a hobby of grave robbery.
(4) The results showed that AMMI was high consistent with ANOVA in analysis results of variety stability, but the LR had more limitation in the evaluating.
(5) And the younger had a son and gave him the name Ben- ammi : from him come the children of Ammon to this day.
(6) Analysis of average yield result of the nation mid-late in north-west in potato cultivars regional test was made using AMMI model and combined bi-plot in 2007.
(7) The results showed that the length of score vector in AMMI model was better to explain genotype by environment interaction than by joint linear regression model.
(8) Implications and relevant questions were also discussed for the application of AMMI analysis.
(9) The air is suddenly pierced by a young voice wailing: Ammi is gone, Ammi is gone, I couldn't do anything to save her.
(10) The next prophecy is against the Ammonites (east of the Jordan), descendants of Lot's son Ben- Ammi (Gen. 19:38).
(11) The genotype-environment interaction of 13 cotton varieties and environment in 9 plot sites of He'nan in 2008 was analyzed based on AMMI model.
More similar words: rammingjammiesjamminghammingmammitisSpammingcrammingslammingmammillaryHamming codediagrammingprogrammingradar jammingjamming signalactive jammingreprogrammingpreprogrammingprogramming teammetaprogrammingHamming distancelogic programmingmultiprogrammingprogramming logicprogramming modelprogramming errorprogramming stylemicroprogrammingmanual programmingprogramming systemprogramming method
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