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90 in a sentence

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Sentence count:282+21Posted:2018-08-11Updated:2020-07-24
Meaning: n. the cardinal number that is the product of ten and nine. adj. being ten more than eighty. 
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211. Bond futures for March delivery will probably trade between 119. 50 yen and 119. 90 yen today, Ishibashi said.
212. The crew will get up to 90 servings from a dispenser set up like a soda fountain at a convenience store.
213. Thyroglobulin secreted by the epithelial cells, makes up 90 percent of the colloid.
214. Now doing it outside the parameters of 90 minutes on a Saturday afternoon is equally and probably more important.
215. Chin said on June 17 that by the year 2000 around 90 percent of global AIDS cases would be among heterosexuals.
216. The Bisbee mines successfully produced copper and its related metals for 90 years.
217. The higher rate is 90% of your employee's average weekly earnings.
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218. They will fund up to 90 percent of the research in some areas and will coordinate the work through a new directorate.
219. Handmade dolls with china faces and elegant costumes cost up to £90.
220. Day and night, the three networks attracted more than 90 percent of the audience watching television.
221. Rhino numbers have declined by 90 percent since the 1970s as a result of being hunted for their horn.
222. Cotton floral leggings with elasticated waist, £23.90, XS-L from Benetton.
223. Maternity pay - 90 percent of the employee's usual wages for a six-week period - unfortunately does not come automatically.
224. The company's current output is 40,000 units per month, which represents 90% of the company's productive capacity.
225. The procedure can be done under local anaesthetic and has a success rate of over 90 percent.
226. Puds with flair include almond blancmange and bread-and-butter pudding; the long, shrewd wine list starts at £6.90.
227. With a combination of psychotherapy and new psychiatric drugs, between 80 percent and 90 percent of depressed patients get relief.
228. Take for example a file that is 90 percent packed, and can hold 250 records per cylinder.
229. The decree gives President Hugo Banzer special powers to deploy police and the military for 90 days.
230. Substantial balances have come from new customers while the overall average balances are higher than Gold 90 balances which are themselves significant.
231. Keeping the principle of coterminous boundaries meant 90 health authorities, varying widely in population size.
232. The prosecution alleges that he stabbed her more than 90 times.
233. This makes a change from the 1989/90 accounts which contained a full page of audit qualifications.
234. At least 90% of lung cancers are due to smoking.
235. Results - Agreement between team and research diagnoses ranged from 90% to 99% for the specific psychiatric disorders studied.
236. Yet it's estimated that in about 90% of house burglaries, the thief entered with very little effort.
237. Corruption suspects can be held for 90 days without charge.
238. There were almost 90 fewer people on the dole in Stockton this month.
239. They claim that the dial up approach cuts the cost of two-way motion video by up to 90 percent.
240. Even today, children spend 90 percent of their math time on these computations.
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