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90 in a sentence

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Sentence count:282+21Posted:2018-08-11Updated:2020-07-24
Meaning: n. the cardinal number that is the product of ten and nine. adj. being ten more than eighty. 
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241. Bristol Rovers announced an annual profit of nearly £90,000 and disclosed they have £1.3m in the bank.
242. The man is 90 % batty, with flashes of astuteness.
243. You can not blame him for trying to cram as much into 90 minutes as he possibly can.
244. Lambeth's Cat's Whiskers account pays 6.90 per cent on a minimum deposit of £100.
245. Shares of Remy Cointreau traded recently at 28. 90 francs, up 10 centimes.
246. I purchased a 90 turbo diesel 2.5 in October 1989.
247. Drawn up by the Advertising Association, the new code covers about 90 percent of the companies that use direct mail.
247. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
248. Usually this is a fixed sum which, at the time of writing seems to average around £90.
249. Each covers about one mile and takes about 90 minutes.
250. She had well established adult respiratory distress syndrome, requiring artificial ventilation with 90% fractional inspired oxygen.
251. Your 90 2.5 petrol will run perfectly on lead free petrol with no alteration.
252. He was backed up by true freshman Marcus Fields, who gained 90 yards on 19 carries.
253. He was effectively granted a blank cheque to conduct a war without Congressional authorization for up to 90 days.
254. She paid a certified repair shop $ 90 for a diagnostic test and had $ 550 of additional work.
255. They intend to give us some notion of what they are when they roll out the application programming interface in 90 days.
256. The stockmarket is now extremely expensive; shares are selling at almost 90 times prospective earnings for the year to March 1994.
257. Thy to understand which of the dimensions of performance set forth in the chart on page 90 are most critical.
258. With early detection, survival chances are better than 90 percent, actress Sheryl Lee Ralph points out.
259. Clinton carried Ohio and its 21 electoral votes by barely 90, 000 votes in the three-way race in 1992.
260. Analysts had on average expected earnings of about 90 cents a share.
261. Indeed, the allocation for improvement work in Cleveland's schools has risen from £90,000 this year to £1.4 million next year.
262. Computer users can download the program and use it free of charge for 90 days.
263. A Hartford school lunch costs 90 cents for elementary students, $ 1. 15 at middle and high schools.
264. Rates rise to 4.5 per cent for 90 days and to 4.75 per cent for a year.
265. The cost of a childminder averages £90 a week, with a nursery place around £110.
266. McCall, 90 miles north of Boise, was accessible only by air.
267. Residents in the central area would get a 90 % discount.
268. It came as no surprise to me that companies representing 90 percent of home insurance policies have quit writing policies in California.
269. Landowners could hire a contractor at, say, £110 / acre and keep £90 / acre.
270. The elapsed time between the order of a part and its delivery had dropped from 90 to 11 minutes.
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